Chapter 32

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*Sorry for late update again. I am suffering massive depression right now. Hope you enjoy this update*

John's POV

"What did you mean, Johnny?"

Her dad and also my dad were clenching their jaws. They were glaring at me like they were about to eat me after hearing my words. I had to explain them what I did. I didn't dare to meet their eyes but I was ready for any punishments.

"I am sorry, Uncle, Dad. It was my fault." I admit, "I left her with that bear alone. I ..." I trailed, not wanting to continue my words. My heart squeezed with pain. I felt like someone was tearing it apart. It was so painful that my whole body went numb.

"Johnny, mind explaining to us, NOW! Tell us each and everything detailed!" My dad demanded while frowning at me. I looked down at my feet. Guilt was building inside me. Some tears fell down to the ground. I gathered some courage as I cleared my throat.

"I was angry back then because she broke my toy. You saw that too. She broke the one that grandpa gave me before his death. It was my favorite and also my treasure." I said, sighing a little before I continued explaining.

I glanced at both of our dads. They were waiting for me to continue with a furious look on their faces. I swallowed down a lump in my throat. "So when she threw that, I was so angry that I wanted to punish her for that. I swear. I didn't want to harm her. I only wanted to scare her a little." I continued with a panic in my voice. My dad seemed to sense that because he raised an eyebrow at me,

"And you left her alone in the forest?" he questioned as I looked away.

"I remembered she once badgered me to show her the bear. So, I took her to the bear. You know that place, Dad. We went there before to see the bears. I took her there," I explained as I inhaled some air.

"Go on" my dad huffed. I felt some goosebumps on my back. His voice was making me thrill.

"I left her behind a bush but I wasn't far away from her. I was at the nearby hill. I was watching her the whole time. I just wanted to scare her for a few minutes. She knew I was near but she couldn't find me because I was hiding. I didn't noticed that bear coming towards her. I guessed it came because of our voices." I said, trying to think the reason for a second before I continued.

My panic came back as I thought about that bear chasing her. A sweat ran down from my forehead and I started to jabber, "When I saw that bear, it was too late. I ran to save her but she already ran away and it chased her. I followed them but I lost. They were so fast. I tried to find them. I tried my best. I searched around for a while but I can't. So, I decided to come back for help. I am sorry, uncle. I couldn't understand myself back then. I couldn't understand why I did that. I didn't mean to hurt her. I swear. I won't do anything to hurt her but now I put her in the danger. I am sorry, uncle. I really didn't mean."

I didn't know how many times I said I am sorry. I apologized as many as I could. Everything was in blurred state as tears blocked my eyesight. My lips were also trembling with fears inside me.

Their eyes weren't steady. They were shooting daggers at me. Rage was inside them. I couldn't dare to look straight at them. All of the people around me were glaring at me like they were mentally chopping me into million pieces. I bent my head down to the ground and wiped away my tears.

"John Fredericks, are you insane? How could you left Chrissy alone? She is only seven years old, you know. She is only a child. She broke your toy but she apologized you, wasn't she?" my mom snarled angrily at me.

"She did. I was too stubborn and I didn't accept it. I should have accepted her apology. I didn't see that coming. I have no idea why I left her alone. I wish I was the one who got chased by the bear instead of her. Mom, Dad, please let me find her. I want to. Please." I begged with regrets in my voice. I was so desperate right now.

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