Chapter 44

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*So So So Sorry, My lovelies😣. Don't kill me 😘. I am sorry for the late update because of my part time job. Sorry! I had been busy with advancing my job and I didn't have time to edit and write my story. Sorry. I will pay back and so, don't be mad at me and keep supporting me okay? Love you all❤*

I am going to dedicate this chapter to all my readers and fans who enjoy John and Gina story and support me. Thank you for being patient with me! I love you all

Before new chappie, I wanted to remind you that remember to VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE and FOLLOW ME on WATTPAD. It really depressed me last time I updated because I only got 3 votes though I tried really hard to edit and update that chapter. Your votes are like my energy pills and they inspire me to edit more and update quick. So lovelies, remember to do this little request for me, okay?😉

And here comes our new chappie ...


Chapter 44

John's POV


Fuck! Who invited her? It was hundred percent sure that I didn't. Then, who the hell?

The moment I turned my head to the owner of those words made my blood boiled instantly. She was the least person I hoped to meet here at my event and I was now fuming like a raging tiger who was ready to attack in any time.

Anyone would be like me if they were in my situations and it was damn positive. Who would want to see or deal with their clingy and nosy ex at one of their memorable day?

"Why are you here? Who invited you, Cynthia?"

"Oh! Calm down. You are scaring me," she purred, leaning towards me like she suddenly got a paralysis while her hands snaked up behind my neck. God Damn it!

Whoever invited her to my grand opening ceremony, I was not going to let him or her go easily. She was now eating my nerves with her cat voice and teasing touches that I was so much ready to drive her out or throw her. How dare she show up here and like seduce me?

"I'll be back, Arthur," I shot a quick excuse, shoving her hands away from my neck before dragging her out of the venue.

"Ouch! It hurts," she winced as I flung and released her out of my grip. She was now on the floor with her eyes like daggers, glaring at me but it didn't last long. They were soon replaced by mischievous glints that I frowned. What the hell was she planning?

"What the fuck are you doing here? What do you want? You know you are not welcomed here," I hissed. Numerous questions were shot at her which she likely avoided to answer since the first time I met her here.

We were now inside one of the empty halls that was out of other people's sight as well as those prying eyes of the paparazzi. Numerous reporters and paparazzi were out there and I didn't want them make any frauds or scandals with her.

She stood up, brushing and smoothing her dress which was like another skin of her body, "Oh! Babe, I just came here to congratulate you. Is that a crime?"

Again! She mocked me by using that word babe. Fuck! Who did she think she was? That word clearly wasn't for her to call me and the only person who could call me like that was Gina, my love, my destiny!

She was now smirking at me so hardly like she won some games that I was damn eager to wipe that smirk off her face. It really pissed me so much to the core, seeing her.

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