Chapter 46

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*He-he, I won't say sorry for the late update because it is real.😳 I knew that and I am really sorry. This week I had an exam and this really angered me. So, I didn't have mood to edit and I couldn't update my baby. Sorry for that. I knew there are some fans who were patiently waiting for my update and I wanted to do that too but it took me a lot of time to do that. So, here is the newest update.*

Also I have a good new ❤ for you but it is kind of bad new for me. Lol.

This baby Be Mine Forever is going to end soon. *claps2 👍👏

There were only four chapters left to update after this. OMG!😱 It is going to finish but it is no good for me. I have to edit my previous chapters back. Many of you many notice that my writing style had changed a lot in the late chapters and I think that style is better than the previous one. So, i am going to edit the previous ones back. Hehe 😁

Before the newest chappie, I would like to remind you, remember to VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE and FOLLOW ME on WATTPAD my lovely fans.❤ I would really appreciate them. They are my energy pills and motivations as you know. 😍So, support me with them, my lovelies and here you go, Chapter 46😉


Chapter 46

Gina's POV

No way! This isn't happening! It is not true. It might be a dream. Yeah! A very very bad dream of mine!

Everything was so unbelievable and nonsense to me right now. John got hit by a truck? No! It is impossible. Why would he? I couldn't accept it, any of it.

All the things happened so fast that I was here pinching myself really hard to wake up from this nightmare. It was really terrifying for me even to think and I seriously hoped all of this were just a dream but it wasn't.

I gathered all of my strength and stood back on the ground. I needed to check him. I needed to see for myself that he is still alive. There were some cars on the road which were currently driving and had high tendencies to hit me at that moment but I couldn't care less about them and ran towards him. Please! Dear God, don't let anything happen to him! I beg of you, please don't ...

My whole body was shaking while my heartbeats accelerated with each steps of mine. Fear? Pain? Shock? I didn't know what I was feeling currently as I went closer to him with many unidentified emotions, running inside me.

"Jo-h-n ..." I called, stuttering. He was there on the cold ground, half of his face was already covered with the blood that made my heart cried out of pain. It hurts. It freaking hurts seeing him like this.

His white shirt was now no longer had its color anymore as more red liquid came out from his body. I couldn't breathe. I felt like my lungs had stopped working, staring at him. Hormones and nerves inside me were also trembling with fear that I could no longer hear the surrounding voices anymore.


My voice as well as my legs wobbled. All of my energies had drained and I crashed down beside him. What have I just done? What did I just do? Did I kill him? A pang of guilt surged up inside me as I thought back the time before the accident.

This whole accident was clearly because of me. He wouldn't have hit by that car if I didn't cross the road when the street lights were still red. No! I shouldn't have run away from him at first. I should have faced him and solved that problem between us. But why did I do that? Why?

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