2. Cabin #5

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(c) - Isobel (@BellaVanella) *you guys should follow her because she's co-writing with me!

"Welcome to New Day Post-Rehabilition Camp!" our red-headed tour guide chirped. "My name is Sophia, your tour guide for today, and your camp counselor for group sessions. So let's start this tour with history! The camp was..."

Sophia drowned us with a lecture about the Camp's history. I didn't bother listen, even though I act like I did, it was in the brochure so it was pointless. She just went on and on, and I didn't even bother listen.

"I can't believe my mother is making me spend the rest of my summer here," the girl beside me said, then she turned to look at me. "I mean, I'm fine. What's the point of a post-rehab camp if we've gone through rehab?"

I shrugged and she laughed. "My name's Hannah Velvet Berkeley," she held out her hand. "But people call me Velvet. What's your name?" I shook her hand. "Jane," I told her.

"Nice to meet you, Jane," she said. "Is your full name Mary Jane or something?" I shook my head. "Jane is short for Janessa," I told her. "Janessa," she repeated. "That's an adorable name." I smiled at her. "Thanks," I said.

That pretty much ended the conversation. Velvet went back to focusing her attention to Sophia's lecture while I did my thing with dozing away from reality. I wasn't really paying attention, until Sophia approached me with a basket in her hand.

I was blank. What was the basket for? She just smiled and looked at me patiently while I tried to figure out what to do with the damn basket.

"Jane," George whispered. "You're supposed to put all your gadgets in the basket." Right, the brochure said gadgets will be confiscated and is only allowed on weekends. I placed all mine. "Thank you..." Sophia looked at me. "Jane," I finished. She nodded and went to the next person.

"Wow, Cal!" I heard Elle say. "There's an American!" George and I snickered a little. "Shut up, Elle," Calum said. "What's with you and your great love for Americans. Aren't you Australian and proud?"

"I am proud to be Australian, you idiot," Elle replied. "I think you forgot that I'm an American Studies major in college. That's what makes me fascinated by Americans, stupid." I ignored the rest of Calum and Elle's bickering.

The tour went on and on. Wow, the place really looks almost like Camp Rock. Ha, they should just add some dancers, Demi Lovato and the Jonas Brothers then we'll be good-to-go. Just kidding.

It was such a huge relief when the tour finished. I was tired of walking around and stuff. Sophia talked about the history, showed us around, talked about the rules and what we're about to do for the summer. Now, she's handing out room assignments.

"Alright, Cabin #1," Sophia took out a list and some keys from her pocket. "Michael Clifford, Ashton Irwin, Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood." 4 really tall boys stepped forward and Sophia handed them one of the keys. "You may proceed."

They move past us and went to the cabin areas. The tall, blonde one was sort of attractive but I just dropped it and went back to listening as Sophia distributed the keys.

George bid me goodbye and good luck when he was called. I was kind of sad. George seems fun but I shouldn't get attached. It'll just break me.

"Cabin #5," Sophia announced. "Hannah Berkeley, Eloise Hood, Amanda Miller and Janessa Norah." That's me. I grabbed my bags and Velvet smiled at me. "We're roommates!" she beamed. I smiled slightly. Damn, this girl is nice.

Sophia handed Velvet the key and we followed her to the cabin. Our place was cozy-looking and it had a good view of the lake. We all sort of just stared at each other then ran to get the best bunk. I ran to the one nearest to the window. Now, I had the good view of the lake.

After the 4 of us settled down, we sort of just stared at each other awkwardly. Velvet decided to cough a little, but it didn't work. The awkward staring contest still went on.

A girl with curly, brown hair sighed and broke the silence. "I'm Amanda," she said. "But call me Ems. Nice to meet you all." We all shook hands with her. "Hello Ems," Velvet smiled. "I like your shirt." Amanda was wearing a Foster the People band shirt.

"Thanks," she said. "What are your names?" She asked the three of us. "Hannah Velvet," Velvet said. "But you can call me Velvet. No one really calls me Hannah." Ems nodded. "You?" She turned to me.

"Jane," I said. "Jane...?" she implied me to say my fullname. I sighed. "Jane Norah," I told her. "Norah is my surname." She nodded. "Pretty name for a pretty girl," Ems smiled. "What about you?"

We all looked and it turned out, our other roommate is Elle. The Elle that was bickering with Calum the whole time. I sighed and mentally chuckled.

"Eloise Rebecca Hood," Elle said. "Elle for short." We were all still awkward after that. "So," Velvet decided to continue the conversation. "Jane," Great. Why me? They all looked at me. "Are you American?"

I nodded. "Where are you from?" Elle asked. "New York," I told her. "Awesome," Ems smiled. "I've always wanted to go to New York." I smiled at her since I didn't know what to say.

"We need to kill the awkward atmosphere," Velvet said. "We've been staring at each other awkwardly for 15 minutes." She was right.

"How do we do that?" Elle asked. We stared at each other for 5 minutes again, so it become 20 minutes of awkward staring. "I think it's unavoidable," Ems said. "I think we should just let it be. It takes time. We can't force it."

She was right. We can't exactly be BFF's right away. It takes time to get to know one another, even though we were most likely on the same page when it came to the reason why we're here. Whatever, we can't do anything about it.

"Attention, new campers," Sophia's voice rang through the speaker in the cabin. "Counselor Sophia here. Please proceed to the big house in 15 minutes for some lunch and the activities to follow after that. Thank you."

"We should go," Velvet said. We all agreed and we slowly walked towards the exit. "By the way," Velvet paused. "Welcome to Cabin 5, guys."

* written by Isobel (@BellaVanella)

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