49. Letter

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(c) - isobel (@bellavanella)

"You're going to love your apartment there, Emmy!" Dad beamed enthusiastically. "It's very classic and it's only a street away from your university..." Mom and Dad kept talking about how exciting Amsterdam was. I just smiled and pretended that I was listening.

I opened my sling bag and took out my poems book, flipping through the pages. What caught my eye was when I stopped in the middle of the book and found a crumpled envelope. Out of curiosity, I took it out of the book and held it in my hands.

To Jane, it said on the back of the envelope. Suddenly, a memory flashed in my head. It was the letter George gave me after we finished his bucket list. I must've forgotten about this because he gave this to me the night before he was hospitalised.

Slowly, I ripped the the envelope open and found a piece of paper and a polaroid of me and George in it. I clutched them both tightly against my chest before putting the polaroid back in the envelope and opening the letter.

My Dearest Jane,

I don't know where to begin, and I don't know where it would end. But I want you to know that it was never my intention to hurt you.

I just couldn't take it anymore. Waking up and going through the same thing over again. I was tired and all I ever wanted was to be with Ava, so I did.

I'm sorry for ending it this way and I know you would blame yourself. But you must know that's not you. You're not a failure. I am. I left you in the middle of nowhere and with that, I am sorry.

I hope you forgive me for this because I'd really hate for my Best Friend to be mad at me. After all, I owe you everything. You have shown me what true courage and true love really is. I'll carry it on with me where I go.

Now, I know you feel so alone. I'm sorry for putting you in that state but remember I am always there with you. You may not see it, but I'm in your heart. Just think about all the good times and you'll be alright.

You are the strongest person I know. You've been through too much and you're still standing. That's what I love about you and I know you'll make it far in life. Just don't give up.

Remember what I said to you before. John Lennon would say, "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."

Stay strong and be brave, Jane. And if you ever feel sad, rememeber that even the stars refuse to shine sometimes.

I love you, Janessa Emily Norah. You are my best friend.

Also, I still love the thought of you and Luke together. Maybe someday, you'll both work it out and be happy. The boy is so in-love with you and we all know you feel the same. I hope you'll find it in your heart to give him one last chance.

All My Love,


I didn't even realize I was crying in the end till I felt the tears on my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away before anyone would notice.

I didn't know what think. The letter gave me so much hope and so much want in my heart. I wasn't angry anymore. I was ready to get the help I needed and I know that everything will be fine in the next few days.

It's going to take a while but eventually, I will find light in the darkness I was going through. I'm not going to give up. I'm going to keep moving till the finish line.

"Ma'am," the stewardess approached me. "Please fasten your seatbelts. We're about to board." I nodded and did as told.

I closed my eyes as the plane started to move. I glanced at the window, seeing we were high up in the air and Australia looked like nothing a but land.

I sighed and closed my eyes once more. It's time to move forward.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

"Jane," someone whispered and I opened my eyes. "Wake up." Mom smiled. I rubbed my eyes, still exhausted from the 21-hour flight. I groaned and sat up straighter.

"What is it, Mom?" I asked, trying to stifle my yawn. I was just tired and I wanted nothing more than to sleep. Mom didn't say anything. She just chuckled and shook her head.

"Look out your window, Emmy," he said and I did as told. I opened the curtain thing from my plane window and gasped at the view. 

The busy city was bustling like mad at night and there were bright lights everywhere. I smiled when I saw the I Amsterdam figurine and beamed as I watched in fascination the environment of the new location.

I felt the plane land and I chose to ignore the force it caused, still captivated by the beauty of such a historical and cultural place. I was in a whole new world and I was excited.

I heard my Mom laugh, seeing as I looked like a kid excited on a Christmas morning. I sighed in relief once the plane stopped moving and we joined the other people as we got out of the plane.

After a few more minutes, we got our luggage and we left the airport. Mom and Dad were talking about things to do in the beautiful city but I ignored them, still in awe of the place.

We rode a taxi and my parents told the driver to head to Amstel Intercontinental. A famous hotel, since my apartment wasn't available till the previous person moves out next week. I was fine. My parents wanted to spend time with me anyway.

"Wow," I mumbled to myself as we drove passed the city. "Ah," the driver, who was surpringly good in English, said from the front. "Are you a tourist?"

We all looked at him. "Yes," Mom answered. "My family and I need a vacation, and my daughter here is actually going to study here."

The driver nodded. "I see," he said. "Well then, welcome to Amsterdam."

// that's the end. don't hate me. click the next few pages for answers :)

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