39. End

729 15 13

(c) - isobel (@bellavanella)

* not yet the end. just a title

We visited George everyday for the past week. His condition wasn't getting any better. So far, the doctors were still thinking of ways to solve George's liver problem. They still couldn't find any answers.

Our group started to lessen as we visited George. Only Michael, Luke, Elle and I went there everyday. The rest would visit one day, skip a few more days, another day, or sometimes they wouldn't at all. They're most likely annoyed since George has not made any progress, so it feels like we go there for nothing.

"Hey," I stood up from the cafeteria. "Are you guys visiting George?" Calum shook his head. "We visited him 4 days ago," he answered. "I think we should take a break. Besides, I don't want to bother Liz so she can take us there then back here."

"Actually," Elle stood up with me. "Jane and I are going to take a bus to the hospital. We're not bothering Liz."

Calum sighed. "Can't you guys catch a break?" he questioned. "You've been visiting him for a week and so far, nothing has happened."

"Don't say that," I snapped. "He will get better." Calum stood up and moved towards me and Elle. "Oh, yeah?" he sneered. "When? Today, tomorrow? Next week, Next year? How long will you two wait?"

"He will wake up," I persisted. Calum rolled his eyes. "Open your eyes," he hissed. "The boy tried to kill himself. So what if he gets better, what's the guarantee he won't try to kill himself again? Don't be stupid, George is as good as dead."

"Calum!" Elle snapped. It was too late though. Tears were beginning to prick in my eyes. Calum's eyes widened as he realized what he just said. "Jane, I'm--" I cut him off by slapping him in the face.

"Shame on you, Calum," I said through gritted teeth. "You can't just give up on George that way. You're such a coward." I stormed off the cafeteria, without looking back.

I went into the cabin and slammed the door shut. I let out a frustrated scream and jumped on my bed. I'm really pissed at everything right now. George making no progress, everyone losing interest in him. Every time someone walks away, it makes me feel alone. I can't fight this battle for George alone.

I took my poems book and held it close to me. I'm going to bring this to the hospital so I could read to George. Maybe it could help. George has always been curious about my poems book, so maybe it could.

I heard the door open so I pretended that I was asleep. There were feet shuffling, lots of them, so it can't be a single person only. There was a group anything.

"I just want to apologize!" a voice, probably Calum, said. "No, fuck you," another voice, Elle, snapped at him. "I didn't mean what I said, you know that," Calum sighed. "Well, you said it anyway," she sneered. "George is my best mate too. You basically told us he's dead, and I'm so mad at you. Just let us cool down, Cal."

I heard Calum say a few more incoherent words before he was interrupted once again. "Cal," Luke's voice said. "Just leave it, okay? Let Jane rest. Talk to her later." Calum sighed. "Fine," he said. "Will you at least tell her I came by?"

"I will," Elle said. "Now fuck off, before I kick your damn ass. OUT!" I heard the door close. I opened my eyes a little to see Elle sitting at her bunk, so I closed my eyes immediately before I get caught.

I felt a kiss being pressed against my cheek, but I still pretended to be asleep. I wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone, even Luke, right now. I just wanted rest.

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