19. Ready

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(c) - Isobel (@BellaVanella)

Calum, Michael, Elle and I spent the next 4 days preparing for Luke and Ashton's party. I finished with their presents and hid it under my bed so no one could find it. I was really proud of what I did. With the help of Olivia, I managed to make a bandana for Ashton. Luke's present, on the other hand, was all my hardwork.

"Alright," Elle looked at her list. "Party decorations, check. Food and drinks, will arrive tomorrow so check! Music, check. Beer, check and hidden away in the Director's office till tomorrow." She set down her list and looked at me. "This is going to be the best party ever!" she cheered.

"DUH!" Calum said as he and Michael approached us. "This is going to be," he went on. "Parties that are planned by Calum Hood are LEGEND-wait for it-DARRY! LEGENDARY!" Elle rolled her eyes. "Quit being a Barney Stinson wannabe," she said. "He's 10,000 more of a man than you are!"

Calum glared at Elle. "Must you always ruin my joy, twin sister?" he asked. Elle nodded. "Duh," she sassed. "I'm your twin sister, your opposite. My job is to make your life miserable since you do the same thing to me." Calum scoffed.

"Alright," Michael said. "That's enough. We're done. Who's invited tomorrow?" I looked at Calum. "I invited the Campers in our sessions," he answered. "Don't worry. I didn't invite the whole camp. It might cause trouble."

"Did you invite George?" Elle asked. Calum nodded. "Yeah," he said. "But I doubt that he's coming. He just told me to fuck off when I insisted that his presence was needed. Seriously, I don't know what's up with him lately."

Elle and I looked at each other and I sighed. "Excuse me," I said. "I'll be right back." Elle raised an eyebrow. "Where are you going?" she asked. "To set things straight," I said then I made my way to George's cabin.

I arrived and knocked on his cabin which was Cabin #2, knowing George doesn't really leave his cabin. I noticed since I rarely see him anymore. He doesn't hang-out with us and I'm fed up knowing that I can't help.

"George!" I called out. "I know you're in there! Open the door, we need to talk!" I turned around and saw Elle follow and watch me. "Come on, George!" Elle pleaded with me. "We're your friends. We just want to talk!"

A few minutes later, the door opened but it wasn't George. It was Noah, one of his cabinmates that I see around but never talk to. He gave me and Elle a half-smile but he didn't invite us in.

"Sorry," he apologized. "I was in the shower when you guys were knocking. George isn't here though." Elle and I both nodded. "Do you know where he is?" I asked. "Yeah," Noah answered. "He's been spending his free time in the infirmary. He keeps getting headaches, so you get it."

Elle and I thanked Noah then left their cabin. We both proceeded to the infirmary, hoping to run into George. But sadly, when we arrived, it was only Olivia in the infirmary. She smiled when she saw me and Elle enter.

"Hello Jane, Hello Elle," she beamed. "What can I do for you?" She set her copy of An Abundance of Katherines down and gave us both a hug. "Olivia," I hugged back. "Have you seen George? Noah told us he would be here."

Olivia nodded but looked worried at the same time. "George left a while ago," she answered. "He was getting aspirin. I'm worried you know, he's been asking for aspirin everyday. He's getting headaches frequently. Do you know what's wrong with him?"

Elle and I both shook our heads. "We were hoping to find the answer too," Elle said. "He's been acting weird, avoiding us and everyone else all the time. Noah says he spends his free time here. Is it true?"

Olivia nodded again. "Yes," she answered. "George is always here. He would rest and read books all the time, but he would keep on tackling my copy of Romeo & Juliet most especially. What a hopeless romantic boy!" She laughed.

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