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(c) - Isobel (@BellaVanella)

* Guys, if you ever feel like tweeting about this story (I hope you would)... use the hashtag #SwanLakeLH. Bella and I would love to hear from you lot :D

A Fairytale

Start of spring;

heart in bloom;

our whisperings

in sunlit rooms.

Summer was felt

a little more;

in autumn I

began to fall.

When winter came

with all its white;

you were mine

to kiss goodnight.

-Lang Leav

"Okay," I grabbed my poems book from Luke. "That's enough." He laughed. "You have so many of those," he pointed at my poems book. "You're really into these, are you?" I nodded.

It was 8 a.m. on a Saturday morning, and Luke and I were chilling by the stair case outside my cabin. We didn't agree to meet up or anything. I just happened to wake up earlier than my cabinmates so I stayed outside and read some poems, when Luke passed by jogging in all his glory.

Luke kept telling me he wanted to hear a poem. I refused since the poems book was mine and mine only, but he tickled me into it till I agreed that I would let him read one.

"If I made you a poem," Luke spoke up. "Would you be impressed?" I shrugged. "It depends on how good it is," I told him. Luke smirked. "Are you kidding me?" he said. "I'm a literary genius. I can even write something as badass as Shakespeare's Les Miserables!" That's when I burst out laughing.

"What?" Luke questioned. I tried to speak, but I was still laughing. Luke scowled and when I finally calmed down, I spoke. "Luke," I said. "What?" he snapped. "Shakespeare didn't write Les Mis," I told him. "Victor Hugo did."

Luke's face turned red and he looked down. I chuckled and rested my head on his shoulder, not caring if he was sweaty from his jog. Call me weird, but Luke was still attractive even though he was sweaty.

"I was just trying to impress you," he said. "I thought Shakespeare wrote it since it was an old story." I shook my head and looked at him with a smile. "I'm already impressed," I told him. "At least you know who Shakespeare is." He laughed.

The cabin door from behind opened which caused me and Luke to turn and see. Elle was standing there, ready to start the day. She was surprised to see Luke with me as well.

"I have to go," Luke told me. "I'm going to shower up before heading to breakfast." I nodded. Luke got up from the stairs and gave me a peck on the lips. I blushed and looked down, knowing Elle was watching. "See you, Jane," he said. "See you, Elle." then he jogged away.

I stayed seated on the staircase, then I heard footsteps. I glanced at my right and saw Elle take a seat on where Luke once sat. I finally had the courage to look at her, and she had a smirk on her face.

"When did that happen?" she asked. "L-last n-night," I stammered. Elle squealed. "Awwee!" she said. "I'm happy for you. You guys are adorable."

I smiled slightly. "Do you like him?" Elle asked. "I do," I nodded. "Adorable," she said in delight. "I always had a feeling he liked you."

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