46. Amsterdam

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(c) - isobel (@bellavanella)

"Luke," I heard a voice, maybe Elle, say. "You should go back to camp. Olivia, me, and the Norahs will keep an eye on her."

"I'm not leaving her," Luke replied. "I'm making sure she's okay." I opened an eye, seeing Elle and Luke whisper-arguing. I closed my eyes again, pretending to be in nap state.

"She is okay!" Elle snapped. "You should go back to camp, get a shower and some sleep. You look terrible."

"I don't care if I look terrible," Luke remarked. "I want Jane safe and sound. I'll leave when she's discharged to go back to camp."

I heard the door creak open and a couple of feet shuffling. My eyes remained closed. I wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone. I felt so exhausted even though all I did was sleep.

"Mr. and Mrs. Norah," I heard Elle greet. "Hello Elle, Luke," I heard my Dad say. "How is she?" I felt a warm hand touch mine.

"She's still asleep, Mr. Norah," I heard Luke answer. "I've been keeping an eye on her the whole time." I heard Elle scoff. "Oh, please, Luke," Elle said. "You're no Edward Cullen."

There was laughter and I smiled a little, little enough that they won't notice that I was just pretending to sleep.

"That's enough both of you," I heard Mom chuckle. "But why don't you both join Olivia in the cafeteria? Camden and I will keep an eye on Jane."

"I can stay here," I heard Luke say. "I'm not really hungry." I could feel Elle roll her eyes. "Your stomach growled, Hemmings," she said. "Come on. Let's get some food."

"Don't worry, Luke," Mom said. "We'll give you information if we receive news on Jane's progress while she naps."

I heard the door close and that probably meant Luke and Elle were out. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that my parents were both watching me.

"Emmy," Dad beamed. "You're awake!" He wrapped me in a hug. "Hey Dad," I said. "How are you?" Dad smiled. "Good," he said. "But the real question is, how are you?"

"Okay," I told them. "When do I leave though? I kind of want to go back to camp already." Mom and Dad seemed silent as they both looked at each other.

"Camden," Mom said. "Lock the door. Jane, we need to speak to you about this camp situation." I raised my eyebrow as they both looked at me warily.

"You're not going back to camp," Dad blurted out and my eyes widened. I sat up. "What?" I gasped. Dad shook his head. "We spoke to Dr. DeWinnes on the phone," he continued. "She thinks it's best if you leave camp and go to Amsterdam already."

"Amsterdam?" I questioned them. "But I don't start university till the 2nd week of September!" These events seem to catch me off guard, but the thought of Amsterdam, in a way, didn't seem so bad.

"We're aware, Jane," Mom said. "But I figured, with the rest of the free time you get without camp, you'll have more time to explore in Amsterdam. Plus, we're going to spend some quality time as a family before school. And remember when you said you needed help?"

I nodded. "Well," Mom smiled. "Dr. DeWinnes recommended her former colleague, Dr. Van de Meer, who is one of the best therapists in the Netherlands. We already booked you as a regular client with her. You're getting the exact help you need."

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