∞ . Sneak Peek: I Amsterdam || 1. Summa Cum Laude

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AMSTERDAM, Netherlands *

• JANE •

"Why are you slowing down?" I shrieked to my friend, Anki, "Hurry up! Mrs. Bijl is going to post the list by 10 a.m!"

Anki rolled her eyes as she held on to the stirring wheel. "Calm your tits, Emily," she said. "It's already obvious that you're graduating, top of the class!"

"Whatever, Anki," I sat back down in the front seat. "I just need to make sure. I really want to impress Mrs. Van de Berg, so she'll hire me!"

"She's already hiring you, Emmy!" Anki said. "She's even making you the head editor in Van de Berg-- what branch did she assign you again?"

I shrugged. "Van de Berg, UK branch, I think?" I tried to remember. "But whatever, as long as it's an English-speaking country, I'm all good!"

Anki laughed. "That's funny coming from the girl who studied Literature in a Dutch-speaking country!" she said and I playfully rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, Anki," I chuckled. "Just keep moving. See it's the green light already!" I pointed at the stop light.

Anki laughed and started to drive faster since we were nearing campus. She stopped by the student parking and we both got out of the car hurriedly.

"Emily!" Anki called out since I was running. "Calm down! You're getting the high marks!" I looked at her and laughed.

"Stop being a slow poke, Anki!" I said. "Don't you want to see if you're graduating with honors or something?" Anki shrugged and began running.

We both arrived in the news wall, but it was already jammed pack with our fellow Literature students.

"Emily! Anki!" One of our friends, Sofie, approached us. "The results are out! I'm graduating as Magna Cum Laude! I can't wait to tell Moeder!" She was squealing excitedly.

"That's great, Sofie," I smiled. "What about ours? Did you see?" She shook her head.

"I was only able to see mine," she sighed. "Seeing as our classmates are having a riot to find out where they stand in graduation."

I looked at what she was referring to. The wall was crowded with students who were trying to see their results. I sighed and took a deep breath.

"Wish me luck," I told them. They both nodded as I joined the crowd, pushing my way to the front.

I was nervous as I finally reached the front. I started to look at the list, searching for my name. My heart skipped a beat when I saw what my heart was really looking for.

Summa Cum Laude

Janessa Emily Norah

GPA - 4.000

"No way," I whispered, a smile forming in my face. I moved out of the crowd, so people could finally have their turn to see their names.

I made it out alive and head over to my friends, Anki and Sofie. They both had smiles on their faces as they anticipated.

"So?" Sofie smiled. I took a deep breath. "I DID IT!" I squealed and the three of us started jumping.

"I told you!" Anki beamed. "I told you, you were going to be top of the class! This is amazing. Congratulations, Emily!"

"Thank you," I hugged both of my friends. "I can't believe it. This is so exciting."

"We should celebrate!" Sofie said. "Let's have dinner later and Emmy, I'm sure my Moeder's going to be delighted once we confirm that you really are the Summa Cum Laude."

Sofie's Mom, Darcy, owns Van de Berg Publishing. One of the most renowned publishing houses in the world. Her Mom wanted to hire me but she needed my background. I hope my GPA's enough for her.

"Yes!" I agreed. "Let's have dinner! Oh my goodness, I am so happy!"

"We're happy for you too," Anki smiled. "So yeah, dinner tonight! Then let's go dancing at NJOY!"

"I'm up for the dinner," I told them. "But I can't stay late for the clubs. I promised Olivia and Rene that I'd babysit Violet. I hope you guys don't mind if I also bring her at dinner."

Sofie and Anki looked at each other. "Fine," Sofie huffed. "But you better stay late when it's my Moeder's engagement party. The earliest our group could leave would be 4 a.m!"

I laughed. "Alright," I told her. "4 a.m. max on your Mom's engagement party!"

We just continued talking about plans for the night, seeing as they wanted to bring Sander, Anki's boyfriend; Maarten, Sofie's boyfriend; and Matthijs (pronounced "Ma-dice"), our gay friend.

"Who knows," Anki laughed. "We might finally find a suitable boyfriend for Matthijs!" We all laughed.

"Alright, guys," I told them. "Plan all you want. I'm up for it, just text me. I'm going to leave now."

"Where are you going?" Anki asked.

"I'm going home for a while," I told them. "I'll tell Olivia about the dinner, then can you guys pick me and Violet up for the dinner?" They nodded.

"Awesome," I beamed. "See you guys later."

I walked out of the campus, and began to make my way to the Burton household.

I spent my 1st year living in an apartment a street away from the university. But Olivia, my former camp nurse, and her husband, Rene, moved to Amsterdam a year later.

Olivia was pregnant and so they invited me to live with them because Rene wanted someone trusted to keep an eye on Olivia while she was pregnant. They trusted me, so I accepted and moved in with them.

Now, Oliva and Rene have Violet. I'm her godmother who takes care of her when Olivia and Rene are busy at work or at being a couple. I didn't mind really. They let me live with them anyway.

"I'm home!" I called out as I entered the Burton household.

"Aunty Jane!" Violet squealed as she ran towards me. I knelt down and kissed her cheek. "Hey Vi!" I beamed. "Where's Mommy?"

"Coming home from work!" Violet cheered. "She and daddy have date night tonight!"

I smiled. "Well, what about you, Vi?" I cooed. "Do you want to have a date night with Aunty Jane and her friends?"

Violet nodded. "Yes, yes!" Violet cheered. "I want a date with Aunty Jane and friends!"

"Good," I told her as I stood up. "When Mommy goes home, let's ask her if we can bring you okay? So we can get ready."

"Okay!" Violet clapped her hands. "Now let's watch cartoons!" She ran to the living room.

I laughed and followed Violet into the living room, joining her as she watched some episode of Max & Ruby.

This was my day.

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