34. Spontaneous

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(c) - Isobel (@BellaVanella)

"I can't believe Michael and I agreed to this," Elle muttered as I gave her, her vows while we walked towards the lakeside. "Let's just get on with it," I told her. "Let's do this for George." Elle sighed. "In the name of our friendship," she huffed. "Fine!"

We arrived in the lake side and our friends were already gathered around a certain area. George was playing wedding judge, and on his right stood Michael with his best man, Calum. I let out a really loud and fake cough which caused all heads to turn. They all smiled as they took notice of the bride's arrival.

"Alright," George called out. "Places everyone! Prepare for the grand entrance of the stunning bride!" Everyone did as told, Ems and Velvet grabbing their flower garland to be dawned on the fake married couple later.

Music was playing and I turned to the side to see Ashton and Luke playing the guitar. Elle took a deep breath and began walking; me accompanying her since I was the maid of honor.

Elle smiled as we got closer to Michael. Michael seemed so at ease and smitten. Calum, on the other hand, was trying so hard not to look like he was going to hurl. I wonder if he's going to be like this when the day comes that Michael and Elle actually do get married.

We reached the end and Michael took hold of Elle's hand. I stood by the maid of honors area with Ems and Velvet behind me. Across was Calum, Luke and Ashton. They set down their guitars at the side and acted out as groomsmen.

"Alright," George started. "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears..." I gave him a really? look and he just shrugged. "Today, we gather for the union of Michael Gordon Clifford and Eloise Rebecca Hood."

"You first Michael," George said. "Grab both of Elle's hands and look her in the eyes." Michael did as told. "Now," George huffed. "Say what you want to say before I bestow the promise garland to you guys."

Michael sighed and nodded. "Elle," he began. "I don't know where to begin. This isn't even a real wedding! We're both just doing this because some bastard," he pointed at George. "has a bucket list of some sort. This is probably the most ridiculous one he has!"

The audience laughed at Michael's introduction. I smiled and at the corner of my eye, I saw Luke looking at me. I gave him a curt nod before turning away and focusing on Michael and Elle again. Michael was still ranting.

"I swear! That bucket list is crazy!" Michael remarked and George just shook him off. "Now," he huffed. "Let me go back to my vows." He took a deep breath. "I know this isn't a real wedding, Elle," Michael continued. "But someday, I'd like it to be."

"I'm going to make a promise to you today," he went on. "I, Michael Gordon Clifford, promise to love you and care for you no matter what the circumstances are. I will keep that promise till the day I get down on one knee and make this happen. At that exact moment then, I will promise to love and care for you better than I will today because, Eloise, I am in-love you and I will love you more each day even when we'll both be old have gray hair and have a son named William Mason, so yeah. I love you, Elle."

"Awwee," we all cooed at my Michael who blushed but got hit in the head by Calum. "You and my sister are disgusting," he whined. "I swear, everytime you're in the same area, I want to gag or drown myself."

"Nice one, Mikey," George beamed. "Anyway, Elle! Time for your vows. Your turn!" Elle chuckled and took out a piece of paper. "That was one cheesy speech, Clifford," she said. "But I love you for it anyway."

She took a deep breath and began, "Mikey. We're both only 19. Actually, you're turning 20 this November so yeah. This isn't a real wedding so I was afraid that things I'd like to say to you would scare you, but you love me. I love you, so fuck this!"

Elle took everyone by surprise when she ripped her vows. She tossed it somewhere out of sight and huffed. "I'm not going to make promises with a shitty piece of paper," she said. "I'm doing this on the spot. I'm pouring my heart out to you right now, Michael Clifford!"

"Spontaneous," she went on. "That's you and me. We happened spontaneously. No one saw it coming, but it did and it was amazing." Michael smiled. "I don't care if people think we're fast, or disgusting or whatnot," she eyed Calum. "I am in-love with you, Michael Gordon Clifford."

"I will stay with you through thick and thin, rich or poor, throughout everything," she added. "When we finish college, you'll be some damn video game guy and I'll be some American History professor. We'll get married and we'll have kids then we will live happy ever fairytale bullshit ever after. We'll be so happy, yeah! I just promise to be there for you to love you always. I love you, Mikey."

I took note of Michael and Elle's weird, yet cute vows. Everyone cooed as George pulled them close together, wrapping Ems and Velvet's made-flower garland for them. It wasn't a real wedding, but Michael and Elle looked so in-love.

"Repeat after me," George told the couple. "We promise to love each other as long as what we have is real. We will stay faithful and strong for one another, and we'll find genuine happiness together. We will love each other as much as we can." Michael and Elle repeated.

"By the power bestowed upon me as George S. Johnson, the really awesome one," George spoke. "I pronounce you both as Michael and Eloise Soon-to-be-Mr-and-Mrs-Clifford!" Michael kissed Elle and everyone cheered, except Calum who still made gagging noises.

"So," I whispered as I approached George. "What now?" George smirked and made me look at Elle. "Wait and see," he said as we watched Michael carry Elle bridal style and he ran to jump on the lake.

"My bucket list is almost done," George clapped in delight. "It was cool," I told him. "Now the lake thing.." George laughed and rolled his eyes. "I know," he smirked. "TARZAN!"

He made some weird whaling noise, the one that Tarzan makes when he travels the forest, then he ran to jump in the lake joining Michael and Elle who were both floating on the surface.

Ashton, Calum, Luke, Ems, Velvet and I stared at each other since we didn't know what to do. Elle and Mikey were on the lake, so was George who was acting like a total monkey. We all stared at each other, knowing we had one common thing in mind.

Then altogether, spontaneously, we jumped in the lake. It was cold on a summer morning so I shivered as I swam to the surface. Everyone was laughing and having fun. I joined in the laughter because weirdly, I felt genuinely happy.

George looked happy. Elle and Michael looked happy. Ems, Velvet, Ashton and Calum looked happy. Luke looked happy. Even when the weeks were crappy lately, I was happy too. The ones that I loved were.

I swam around and spotted Luke in a near distance. He gave me a smile and although I wasn't entirely close to forgiving him, I smiled back. He was happy, so was I.

Everyone, right now, was giving hope. Maybe, just maybe, everything was going to be alright.

// hi! sorry if this was such a crappy chapter and maybe some of you got confused.. well, i'll just summarize it here:

* michael and elle got "married" (well not really, michael just promised her that someday the fake wedding they're having would be real and they'll be happy together. also, elle promised to love him forever)

* after the "wedding", michael and elle jumped on the lake and so did george (because it was on his bucket list)

* the others we're like, "do we do that too? okay!" then they jumped in the lake like party animals

* jane felt alive because the people she loved were happy and it gave her hope that she'll get through the shit she was going through

// also, sorry for taking a while updating. i'm in my parents house right now. they have a terrible computer so i'm on ipad. enjoy the story for now (drama will rise again in the next few chapters >:)) :)

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