14. Jealousy

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(c) - Isobel (@BellaVanella)

* Hello. ISOBEL here. Ari is sick so she won't be able to post this weekend. Don't feel bad though. She asked me to write this Chapter because she finds it uncomfortable (Don't judge her).

* The poems here aren't mine. They can be found one twitter at the account: @PoemsPorn. They have really nice poems, you guys should follow.

I couldn't find George, so I just went back to the cabin. I was just sitting in my bed, looking at the gifts my parents sent me. I took a look at the Polaroid Land Camera. It looked so vintage. It must've cost my parents a fortune. I grabbed my poems book from under the mattress then went out of the cabin.

I sat by the staircase outside the cabin. The area was pretty empty since obviously, the others were with their families. It seems like I'm the only one whose family isn't here. I sighed and opened my poems book.

"He's like a drug.

He'll make you feel great.

You'll feel relaxed, chill, wonderful.

But that feeling won't last.

You'll become addicted to him.

He'll be all you think about.

And when you don't see him,

You'll feel deprived.

You'll need that feeling again.

You'll Relapse."

The poem, with an unknown author, made me think of Luke. My Luke, my boyfriend. I really do like him and I like spending time with him. But the poem made me think of it now, will he hurt me? Will my feelings last for a short time, then he'll break me?

I shook the thoughts away and remembered Alice. Who was she in Luke's life? Was she a close friend, an ex-girlfriend perhaps? Did she make Luke genuinely happy? I didn't want to know the answers so I shook it off.

"Jane!" someone called. I looked up and saw George walking towards me. "Hey," he sat beside me. "Where are your parents?" I shook my head. "Right," he said. "They couldn't make it either."

I looked at him. "Where are yours?" I asked. "Same reason as you," he replied. "They couldn't find time to visit the damned son they shipped off to Australia." I gave him a small smile.

"I'm sorry, George," I told him. George shook his head. "I'm fine," he said. "Are you?" I nodded. "Aren't you spending time with Luke's family?" he asked. "I thought he wanted you to meet them. I saw them walking around a while ago. Luke seemed down."

"I met them," I told George. "I just didn't want to bother with their family time. I'm sure Luke wants to spend time with his family as much as he can." George seemed to buy my lie.

"What's this?" he asked. Without my permission, he grabbed my poems book. "Give it back!" I growled. "Poems?" George questioned. "You really are one heck of a literature lover, Jane!" I grabbed the book from him and rolled my eyes.

"Sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to." I shook my head. "It's okay," I told him. "So," George looked at me. "May I please read it?" He nudged his head towards the poems book.

I hesitated. No one has ever read my poems book, except Luke, but that doesn't count. The poems book is so special to me. It's my getaway. It's me and the words that made me feel okay with myself.

I didn't want to share it, but George is my Best Friend. It's not like he's a stranger. I trust him with every fiber of my being. And I were to share this, it should be with someone I truly care about.

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