31. The Bucket List

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(c) - Isobel (@BellaVanella)

"That was pretty badass," George told me as we sat on the docks. "Who knew Janessa Emily Norah would actually slap someone." I rolled my eyes. "She was pissing off," I told him. "It wasn't something I was proud of, but I'm glad I did it."

"Luke saved your ass though," he pointed out. "He didn't have to," I looked at the lake water, staring at my reflection. "I didn't need his help. I wanted to be out." George sighed. "I know I told you that I'd never trust a cheater," he spoke. "But he seems to regret it a lot. He loves you, Jane."

I scoffed and looked at him. "You're changing your mind that easily?" I asked him. "Just because he saved my damn life in dodgeball?" George shook his head. "It's not just because of the damn dodgeball game," he said. "I thought of what Michael said about him a few days ago, about Luke being miserable. I can really see it just by his aura. He needs you, Jane. He loves you."

I didn't know how to respond to George. Luke loves me, I repeated it in my head. He still loves me. I love him too, but I can't do it. Something's telling me I shouldn't. Besides, I haven't entirely forgiven him about the whole Susan thing.

"So," I smiled at George, trying to change the topic. "What's this to do list you have planned for with me and Elle?" George chuckled. "I wanted to tell you both at once," he said. "But I guess I'll tell now. I can't take it anymore!"

I laughed and nodded as George took out a crumpled sheet of paper from his pocket. I recognized his handwriting with the heading labelled as, George's Weekend Bucket List.

"TA-DA!" he pointed at his list. "Here's a list of fun shit we can do over the weekend!" I grabbed the list from George and began to go through it.

george's weekend bucket list

1. eat in hartsyard

2. prank cabin #6

3. have a water fight

4. sing around camp

5. give mike and elle a fake wedding

6. go all tarzan in the lake

7. love

I nodded at the list and handed it back to George. It was a cute list. It had simple actions, but I could tell that it meant a lot to George so I'm not questioning. Moreover, I love the thought of Michael and Elle in a wedding even if it's fake.

"What do you want to do first?" I asked him. "We eat in Hartsyard!" George cheered. "It's just in the city. I already spoke to Director Daze, and she says we can go out as long as we have a chaperone."

"Chaperone," I repeated. "I was thinking of Olivia," George said. "She's the coolest one here anyway." I nodded. "Olivia it is," I beamed. "What's in Hartsyard anyway?"

"The best American diner in Sydney!" George beamed. "McDonald's can kiss my ass. Food there's getting old." I agreed with him, although I did enjoy Happy Meals in my childhood.

"So," George began. "Let's go talk to Olivia, Elle and Michael then we can go there by tonight." My head shot up. "Tonight?" I asked. "Right away?" George nodded. "It's a weekend bucket list, Jane. I want to remember this weekend."

"Why?" I asked him. He laughed. "I just want to remember it," he smiled slightly. "Before it all ends." He muttered the last part. I nodded and grabbed his hand.

"Come on then," I stood up, pulling him with me. "Let's go." I walked towards my designated destination. "Where are we going?" he questioned.

"To the infirmary, then the we'll look for Elle and Mikey," I answered. "We have to get them ready if we're going out tonight."

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Hartsyard was a really nice diner, with the whole dine and bar thing. They had a display of wines that were really popular in America and a bunch of fine china porcelain. Teapots and flowers everywhere, and in the heart of the place was the star-spangled banner. It looked like a grandma house in my opinion, but that was cool. Whatever made George happy.

"Table for 5," Olivia told a nearby waitress who lead me, her, George, Elle and Michael to a booth. "This is a nice place," Elle smiled, taking off her jacket. "I heard they serve good food here." Michael nodded, sliding beside Elle. "Yeah, man," he said, grabbing a menu. "Thanks for inviting me."

"Why'd you pick this restaurant, Jane?" Olivia asked me. I shook my head. "I didn't," I said. "George did." Olivia looked at him and George shrugged. "It was a diner that served American food," George answered. "No offence, but the food in camp is getting old."

We all laughed as the waitress approached us and asked for our orders. "I'll have the short ribs," I told the waitress. She lists it down along with the others. "Hmmm," George looked at the menu. "I'll have some popcorn, crisps and fried chicken."

The waitress seemed surprised with George's order. I mean, yeah, he ordered a course meal and 2 appetizers. It was strange for a boy with George's body to eat that much, but no judgement. George been eating a lot lately, as I've noticed.

"So," Michael spoke up. "What's with the bucket list, George?" George shrugged. "No reason," he laughed. "I just want to remember this weekend. Time's running out." I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean time's running out?" I asked.

George shrugged. "Summer's almost over," he answered nonchalantly. "You're going to Amsterdam, Elle's going to New York, I'm going to wherever the hell I'm going." Michael and I nodded. "The end's still a month away though," Elle pointed out. "But damn that was fast."

The food was served in a matter of 10 minutes and we all delved in. The food was delicious, and it almost made me miss America. My parents too. I wish they would visit, but they don't seem to have enough time to fit visiting their only child who just got through rehab.

"So awesome," George moaned while chewing his fried chicken. "American chicken at it's best, Sydney style!" We laughed at him and continued with our meals (Miraculously, George finished all of his).

George paid for us, although we all insisted that we brought our own money. George just shook it off and said that it was for the bucket list. It was a good dinner and I guess whatever George wanted as a goal for the dinner was accomplished.

We all left Hartsyard with satisfaction, taking a cab back to Camp. Olivia went back to the infirmary while Michael and Elle decided to watch the stars. George and I just sat at the stairs of my cabin.

"Well," George crushed out eat in Hartsyard in his Bucket List. "One down, six more to go." We laughed. "Food was good," I remarked. George nodded. "Yeah," he smiled slightly. "It made me feel like an American for 2 hours. Best American food in Australia."

"So," I looked at him. "What's the next exploit?" George smirked. "You think we can borrow a couple of brooms and other stuff from the camp?" he asked. I raised an eyebrow. "Why?" I asked. He laughed.

"Remember when Elle said crap about Susan and her hair extensions?" he asked me. I nodded, not sure where this was going. "Yeah," I said. "Why?" George just shook his head and looked at Susan's cabin.

"I don't know about you, Jane," he said. "But there's some serious shit getting real down here."

* finals are over so you guys know what that means ;) ;)

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