6. A Voyage

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(c) - Isobel (@BellaVanella)

"That guy was totally flirting with you," George blurted out while we were eating dinner. "Huh?" I questioned while munching on my chicken. George laughed. "Luke," he answered. "Your Augustus Waters."

I laughed and shook my head. "He was just joking," I told him. "Plus, what's the big deal? He just asked me to be his Hazel Grace." George sighed. "He seemed serious about it," he said. "Plus, asking a girl to be the Hazel Grace Lancaster of his life is like a marriage proposal."

I just stared at George, not really knowing what to say. He sighed. "I thought you've read The Fault in our Stars," George said. I nodded. "I have," I told him. "I've read it so many times that I don't even know, I've lost count."

George didn't look impressed at all. "Well, Jane," he huffed. "Are you aware that Hazel was the love of Augustus' life and vice versa?" I nodded. "If you knew that," George sighed. "How could you not know that the giant was flirting with you?"

I shrugged. "The guy doesn't know me," I reasoned out. "He can't be flirting, so can we please drop this topic? It's getting sort of weird." George sighed but agreed anyway.

"So," he changed to the topic as I wished. "Where's Elle?" I shrugged. The last time I saw her was when Calum dragged her and Michael to go for a walk. "Here," George and I turned to see Elle walking towards us, tray of food in hand.

"How'd it go?" I asked as Elle sat beside me, and began eating her pizza. "He's nice," Elle answered. "He's very funy. You guys should meet him." George and I looked at each other then smirked.

We were just talking the same way we've been doing the whole day. It's funny how you can talk here freely, knowing they can't judge you because they're going through almost the same thing. It makes me feel less... alone.

"Guys," Sophia entered the big hut. "It's 8 p.m, you guys have 2 hours till curfew and by 11 p.m, it's lights out. Feel free to do whatever since it's free time."

We all got up and George yawned, declaring exhaustion. He bid me and Elle good night then he went to his cabin, leaving me and Elle.

"I'm going to hit the sack too," Elle said. I nodded. "Are you?" she questioned. "Yeah," I told her. "I don't really feel like roaming around and doing whatever, so I'll stay in the cabin."

Elle and I made our way to the cabin. When we arrived, Ems and Velvet were already there. Ems was unpacking while Velvet was writing, with her glasses on. I really find Velvet pretty. You'd be surpirsed to know that she's really insecure. I guess that's why she's here.

"Hey," Elle said as we both entered. "Hi," Velvet said. "How was your day?" Elle and I both shrugged. "Boring?" Velvet guessed. Elle nodded and they both laughed. "The only thing eventful was group session," Elle said and Velvet agreed.

We all settled in our beds. Ems was already asleep, Velvet was still writing, and Elle was reading A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn. I looked under my covers and took out my poems book and journal. I wanted to write to Audrey Hepurn again, but I needed it to be private. I glanced at the wall clock; an hour till curfew.

I told Velvet and Elle that I'll be right back and I left before they could say anything. I left that cabin and went by the docks, which was near a cottage. According to Sophia, the cottage is where we'll be spending most of our sessions. I sighed and sat by the dock, making the moon my light for writing.

June 6, Sunday (night time)

Dear Audrey Hepburn,

I made it through the 1st day of camp. We didn't do much. We just did tour and had a group session. It was alright. Everyone seemed okay when I shared my story. Except this girl named Susan. She called me dramatic when I said that I had depression and bulimia at the same time. I didn't mind. It's her opinion. Dr. DeWinnes would also go all, "their opinion, their business" on me.

Swan Lake || Luke Hemmings AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora