33. Here Comes The Sun

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(c) - Isobel (@BellaVanella)

"NO!" I yelled at George. "Please," he begged. "You promised me that you'd help me with the list!" I sighed and looked at him. "I did promise that," I told him. "But singing randomly at people passing by, NO WAY! They might think I'm some kind of weirdo."

"That's the point," George laughed. "Let's be weird. Let's be real!" I sighed. "I don't even sing," I remarked. "So what?" George shrugged. "We're just going to mess around people. Think of it as Camp Rock."

"If I sing with you," I told him. "Do I get to be the maid of honour in Michael and Elle's wedding?" George nodded and I sighed again. "Fine," I huffed. "Just one song then no more."

George nodded and grabbed his guitar. "That's all I'm asking for, Jane," he said. "Besides, this is your jam." He spotted a random passerby and I smiled since it was Mia, the girl who has a crush on George.

He made his way towards her and she blushed as George as he began strumming his guitar in-front of her. Mia looked like she was about to melt under George's sight. He was (maybe) serenading, or not.

"Here comes the sun," he began singing. "Here comes the sun," I smiled as George kept on singing my favorite Beatles song. "And I say it's alright." George looked at me and nudged for me to join him.

I hesitated but approached him and Mia as kept playing. He gave me the signal to sing. "Little darling, it's been a lonely cold winter," I sang. "Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here."

"Here comes the sun," we both sang. "Here comes the sun," A crowd started to pile up and I spotted Elle and Michael, and Ashton and Velvet. "And I say it's all right."

"Little darling," George continued. "The smiles returning to the faces." I smiled at him. "Little darling," I sang. "It seems like years since it's been here."

"Sun, sun, sun," we both sang. "Here it comes. Sun, sun, sun, here it comes." We repeated that verse three more times before we were nearing the end of the song.

"Little darling," I sang and my heart skipped a beat once I spotted Luke. "I feel that ice is slowly melting." He was smiling and weirdly, I gave him a small smile. "Little darling," George continued. "It seems like years since its been clear."

"Here comes the sun, here comes the sun," I sang whilst pointing at the sun setting. Everyone turned and looked at the sun in amusement. It was awesome. "And I say it's all right. Here comes the sun, and it's all right."

Everyone applauded as George and I finished. I blushed at the attention. I wasn't used to this. It was great, but at the same time uncomfortable. I've always preferred the sidelines so this was new to me.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

George crushed out the first 4 in his list as we sat by the edge of the lake. Now, we only had three left. The lake thing, the wedding and love. I don't understand that part, so I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow to figure it out.

"Make sure Elle wears white tomorrow," George said. "How are we supposed to fake marry them?" I asked him. "Ems and Velvet are making this flower garland thingy that we shall bestow on Michael and Elle," he chuckled. "Then they're husband and wife in a fake way."

I laughed. "I'm doing the wedding," he said. "You're the maid of honor, Calum is the best man." I looked at him. "Calum?" I asked. George nodded. "Yeah," he grinned. "After all, he's the reason why we have a Michael-and-Elle in the 1st place right."

"What happens after the wedding?" I asked him. "We toss them in the lake. It's kind of like anointing them with being Mr. and Mrs. Clifford," he answered. "Then we jump in the lake going all Tarzan."

"Crazy bucket list," I told him and he laughed. "I couldn't agree more," he chuckled. Then there was silence. "Hey Jane," he looked at me. "Will you hate me if Luke goes to the fake wedding?" I shook my head.

"I could never hate you, George," I told him. "Besides, Luke is also their friend. Whatever dispute we're having shouldn't affect them. Let it be. Let's have fun in the fake wedding tomorrow."

George laughed and nodded. "You're awesome," he said. "You know that?" I smirked. "It's good to be reminded," I teased and he laughed. "You're awesome and you know it," he winked.

Suddenly, I noticed a duck swimming in the lake. With its long neck and graceful body, it moved around the waters gracefully but it was alone. It was sad to see, but the duck was beautiful. Alone, but beautiful.

"Hey George," I nudged his side. "Look at the duck. It's alone. Poor kid." George laughed and shook his head. "Jane," he said. "That's not a duck, that's a swan." Oh, was all I thought of.

"Beautiful animal, isn't it?" he smiled. "Graceful, harmless, beautiful. You're like a human swan now that I think of it, Jane." I chuckled. "Dr. DeWinnes read me a poem about swans when I was in rehab," I told him. "A swan has been hurt but then again, she's beautiful. Always."

"Like you," George smiled. "You are a swan. The only difference is that you're not alone. You have me." I chuckled and pulled George in for a hug. He pulled away after.

"Look," he said. "The swan's swimming towards the sunset." I chuckled and watched the swan. Yes, it was beautiful and it was graceful. Sometimes, you'd find the swan alone or with its flock but usually alone. I guess it feels lonely then but it could be better.

"Bye swan," George muttered as we lost sight of the swan. He turned to me and stood up. "Come on," he said. "This day is awesome with the swan, singing and all, but we have a wedding to plan and a bucket list to finish."

* just a quick innocent question, do you ship george and jane? <3

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