5. The Fault in Our Sharing

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(c) - Isobel (@BellaVanella)

*this chapter was inspired by John Green's "The Fault in Our Stars"

"My name is Michael Clifford," a boy with bleach blonde hair spoke. "I'm 19 years old. I was addicted to marijuana and I was caught selling some in school grounds, so I was expelled and sent to rehab. Now, I'm clean 4 months and counting clean."

"Good job, Michael," Sophia smiled. "We're here for you. We're one and the same. You are an inspiration to us all, so keep moving forward. Next, Susan Evans please."

I sighed and slumped back on my chair. We were gathered around a circle with Sophia standing in the center. When we're called, we are needed to stand up and tell our rehab story. I just sighed. I didn't want to share my story, but I guess I have to.

"Thank you, Susan," Sophia looked at her list. "Next is Luke Hemmings." I looked up and sat straight as the boy who saved me from falling a while ago stood up. "Jane," Elle was giggling. I looked to see Luke smirking, so I looked away and tried to act casual.

"My name's Luke Hemmings," he said. "I'm 18 years old, 19 next month. I'm 7 months and counting cocaine-free. I plan for it to stay that way, as I hope to go back to college."

"Wonderful, Luke," Sophia smiled. "Next, we have Calum Hood." I heard Elle groan. "That little shit," she whispered. Calum stood up. "I heard that, Eloise," he glared at Elle. Elle just stuck her tongue out at her brother.

"I'm Calum Hood," he spoke. "I'm 19 years old. I had a severe alcohol addiction. One day, I came to school drunk. I punched a janitor, got expelled, sent to rehab. I am now 3 months sober and counting. I'm also trying to piece my life back together."

"You'll get there soon, Calum, stay strong," Sophia said. "Next," she looked at her list. "Eloise Hood. I assume that your Calum's twin sister." Elle got up and rolled her eyes.

"You'd even find it hard to believe that I'm related to that tool," Elle said making everybody laugh and causing Calum to stick out his middle finger. "Bite me," she threatened him with a glare. Calum scoffed and slumped back to his seat.

"Well," Sophia said. "I guess I'll recommend you both to Counselor Emma for sibling sessions." Eloise scoffed. "Anyway," Sophia said. "Please start, Eloise."

"My name is Eloise Hood," Elle started. "I'm 19 years old," The Michael boy wolf-whistled. "Fuck you, Clifford," Calum said. "That's my sister!" Michael just laughed and shrugged him off.

"I tried smoking for the first time 2 months ago," she said. "My parents found out and they freaked out. They didn't like the thought of their children having vices," she looked at Calum. "They sent me and my brother to rehab and here we are. I'm 2 months and counting clean and I intend to keep it that way."

"Amazing to see siblings here," Sophia said. "Kudos to Calum and Eloise. Next, we have..." The session went on. Everyone talked about their story and I dreaded for the moment my name will be called.

"Janessa Norah," Sophia said. George squeezed my hand and I gave him a small smile, as I got up. "Go," Sophia smiled. "Share to us your story." I looked around to see the Luke with a smile on his face.

"I'm Jane," I said. "I'm 18 years old and I'm---" I got cut off. "An American!" someone squealed and I just laughed it off. "I was both bulimic and depressed," I said. Someone laughed.

"Drama queen," a girl's voice said. "Fuck off, Susan," I turned to see Luke telling off the dirty blonde-haired girl that I assume is Susan. I felt myself red, seeing as he defended me. "Cut it out, Susan," Sophia said. "Please continue, Janessa."

"I went to rehab last month," I said. "I stopped cutting and I now eat normally. Like I said, I'm a month and counting clean." Everyone clapped.

The session went on and on. George talked about how he tried to kill himself, Velvet and anorexia, Ems and bulimia and this boy, named Ashton, talked about depression as well. I gave him a small smile. I get his feeling, the insecurities, the self-loathing. Now, we're getting better and we're trying to accept ourselves.

"Alright," Sophia got up. "You're all dismissed to do whatever you want. Be at the Big House for dinner around 7 pm. Bye!" Sophia left us in the room.

"Let's go for a walk?" George suggested. Elle and I nodded, then the three of us exit the hut. It was nearing dark, the sun was setting when we got out. It was a beautiful sight. "ELOISE REBECCA HOOD!" We turned to see Calum and some boys marching their way towards us.

Elle rolled her eyes. "What is it, Calum?" she snapped. Calum just smirked. "So," he said. "My cabinmate here, Michael, thinks your a bae. Care to walk with him?"

Before Elle could answer, Calum grabbed her arm, linked it with Michael's, then pushed them away from us.

"You're okay with that?" George asked Calum. "Setting your sister up with your cabinmate." Calum shrugged. "Yeah," Calum said. "Maybe if Elle gets a boyfriend, she'd be a less annoying sister."

George engaged in a conversation with Calum and the boy named Ashton. I just stood there like an idiot, until I noticed Luke walking towards me. He was with Calum all along. Okay, I just looked down.

"Um," he scratched the back of his next. "Janessa right?" I nodded. "You can call me Jane for short," I told him. He smiled. "Luke," he held out his hand. "Luke Hemmings. You were really great back at the group session."

"Thanks," I shook his hand. "You were too." He shook his head. "Not as great as you," he winked. Okay, that was awkward. Well, so is this conversation.

"So," he started. "Are you from America?" I nodded. "New York," I answered. "Awesome," he said. "I've never been to New York, or anywhere outside Australia."

I smiled at him. "You'll get there," I told him. I was fiddling with the sleeves of my shirt, since the conversation became awkward again. I dared look up to see him staring at me weirdly.

"What?" I asked. "Your eyes are so brown," he said. "Like chocolate!" I chuckled and shook my head. "Your eyes are so blue," I mocked him. He smirked. "Like the ocean!"

"You are an ocean," he told me. I raised an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. "You'll figure it out soon," he winked. "It's a metaphor."

"Are you trying to be an Augustus Waters with those metaphors in stuff?" I asked. "Maybe," he winked. "Is it working? Will you be my Hazel?"

"No," I shook my head. He frowned and I laughed. "Sorry," I smiled. "Did I offend you?" He smirked. "A little," he said. "I mean, I thought all girls wanted to have their own Augustus Waters?"

"We do," I told him. "I do." He laughed. "Well then, Ms. Janessa Norah," he got down on one knee. "Will you please be my Hazel Grace?" I laughed. Luke was joking, obviously.

"Alright, Augustus," I said. "I'll be your Hazel Grace." Luke threw his fists on the air as a sign of victory. "Okay?" he winked at me. "Okay," I nodded.

Wow, John Green would definitely sue us for being a weird version of Hazel and Augustus. I laughed at myself. The Fault in Our Stars was one of my favorite novels. I have lost count on how many times I've read it.

"Hey Jane!" I looked away from Luke to George. "Yeah?" I asked. "Wanna chill by the docks and watch the sunset?" I looked at Luke then George then I nodded at George.

"I'll see you later, Luke," I said as George and I started to walk away. "You too, Jane," he replied. "I will be looking forward to seeing you soon."

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