15. Trust Me

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(c) - Isobel (@BellaVanella)

* Hello. ISOBEL here. Ari is sick so she won't be able to post this weekend. Don't feel bad though. She asked me to write this Chapter because she finds it uncomfortable (Don't judge her).

* Ignore the accented letters because this Chapter is slightly rated. I wrote it. Hope you all enjoy. And please wish Janey to get well soon. Thanks.

An Artist in Love

I drew him in my world;

I write him in my lines.

I want to be his girl;

he was never meant as mine.

I drew him in my world;

he's always on my mind;

I draw his every line.

It hurts when he's unkind.

I drew him in my world;

I draw him all the time,

but I don't know where

to draw the line.

- Lang Leav

I sighed and returned the poems book under my mattress. I grabbed my journal and started scanning through the pages. I only have a couple of entries and I'll be adding one today.

June 14, Sunday

Dear Audrey Hepburn,

I think I just had a fight with Luke. He accused me of going behind his back with George, even though it wasn't true. Its normal to be hurt over his judgement, right? I just never expected Luke, of all people, to be the one doing that to me though.

I hope I'll be fine. I feel so dramatic right now. He still hasn't told me who Alice is, but I guess I lost the right to know. I don't deserve it anymore. Luke's probably mad at me right now. *sigh* That's it.

Yours Truly,


I closed my journal and placed it under the mattress. I was starving, but I didn't want to go to the cafeteria. Luke needed space so I'll distance myself from him, as dramatic as that sounds.

I grabbed a Twix bar that my parents sent me and munched onto it. The chocolate sort of made my throat dry but it didn't matter. I was just freaking hungry. People from Europe could probably hear my stomach growling.

The door opened, and Elle entered with a tray of food. She gave me a small smile and set it down on the table beside my bed. She sat at the edge of my bunk.

"You missed dinner," she spoke. "Luke was looking for you. I know what happened, Jane." I sighed and sat up. "I'm not siding with him," Elle continued. "But he's really upset. He didn't mean to say what he said. He just cares about you a lot so he threw a fit."

I didn't know what to say. Honestly, I was starting to feel bad too. I should've just stayed and settled the dilemma with Luke, rather than walking out on him. It was my mistake.

Elle gave me a small smile. "I'm going to stargaze with Michael," she got up. "Eat your dinner, okay?" She nudged her head towards the tray on my table.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Thanks for bringing me some dinner." Elle shook her head. "Don't thank me," she said. "Luke made me do it. I was going to, but he kept nagging till I was out of the cafeteria."

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