∞ . Sneak Peek: I Amsterdam || 2. The Architect

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* SYDNEY, Australia *

• LUKE •

There was obvious tension in the room. Fisher, my boss, was still analyzing my blueprint. 

He asked me to make a sketch proposal of a new hotel coming up. I did what I could, and this could either make or break my career.

"Hemmings," Fisher turned to me with a blank expression. My heart began raising.

"Y-yes sir?" I asked. Fisher prolonged my agony with his silence. He took a deep breath and I anticipated the worse.

"I like it," he said and my heart skipped a beat.

"E-Excuse me, sir?" I stammered. Fisher sighed.

"I like it, Hemmings," he said. "Finally, you're thinking outside the box. I will e-mail this to my partner and I will get back to you once I here from him."

I was in shock of what I was hearing. "Y-you're serious?" I asked. Fisher nodded.

"You will be leading the construction for this," Fisher continued. "But my partner and I will discuss finance and supplies first. We'll call you back into the office once we need your lead. If all goes well, construction may begin in 2 months."

I was literally jumping for joy. This was my first big project. My breakout in architecture and I was really happy.

"With that conclusion," Fisher said. "This meeting is done. You may go. Congratulations, Hemmings."

I stood up from my seat. "Thank you, sir," I said then got out of his office.

I started jumping around in the hallway, ignoring the weird looks I got from my co-workers. I chuckled and grabbed my bag from my office then walked out of the building.

I went to the parking lot, then to my car. I turned on the engine and started to drive to Starbucks, where I was meeting up with Ashton and Velvet.

"Hey guys," I said as I entered the shop, joining them in their table.

"Hi, Luke," Velvet smiled. "You seem jolly. What's up?"

"Guess what both of you," I smirked. "What?" they both asked.

"You're looking at Fisher Constructions newest lead architect in their next big project!" I pointed at myself.

"Oh my gosh!" Velvet squealed as she hugged me. "Congrats, Luke!" Ashton hugged me after her.

"Thanks, guys," I smiled. "I'm really happy. I worked really hard for this."

"We should celebrate," Ashton beamed. "The lads, Velvet, Ems and Elle... clubbing tonight?"

"Yes," I answered. "No," Velvet rolled her eyes. "Why not?" Ashton asked her.

"You guys can," Velvet sighed. "I can't. My Dad wants me to have dinner with him. He thinks I'm having relationship issues with my future stepmom and future stepsister!"

"Velvet," Ashton sighed. "I'm on no one's side, but your Dad's right. You have relationship issues with your stepmom and stepsister."

"They're not yet my stepmom and stepsister," Velvet snapped. "Besides, it's not my fault they're so annoyingly nice."

Ashton and I laughed. "Well," I said. "Good luck with the dinner then." Velvet rolled her eyes.

"Have fun tonight," she kissed Ashton's cheek. "Don't get so wasted. If you do, I won't have sex with you."

"Gross, guys!" I told them and they both laughed. "No need to say that in-front of me!"

Velvet rolled her eyes playfully. "Deal with it, Hemmo," she chuckled and stood up. "Be right back. I'm going to the restroom."

Once Velvet was out of sight, I looked at Ashton who was still gazing at her dreamily from a distance.

"Dude," I snapped my fingers. "Huh?" Ashton asked. "What?"

I laughed. "You and Velvet are getting pretty steady," I told him. "Any future plans?"

Ashton shrugged. "Velvet and I will get there soon," he said. "We're still young and besides, I don't want to be dubbed as copycat by Michael."

Right. Michael and Elle are now engaged. He proposed to her last New Year's in New York. We didn't know why they spent the holidays there, when they could've spent it here with us.

But whatever, after they came back from the holidays, they announced their engagement. Michael, apparently, proposed at midnight. They seem happier now and in-love.

"I'll propose to Velvet soon," Ashton smiled. "But what about you, dude? How about Alice?"

I sighed and shook my head. "We broke up, remember?" I reminded him. "I just didn't love her the way I used to."

"Oh," Ashton said. "Well, I'm sorry." I shrugged.

"It's fine," I told him. "Apologize to her. I didn't get my heart broken."

"We should get you a new girl then," Ashton beamed excitedly. I shook my head.

"No, thanks, Ash," I laughed. "Besides, I have no time for a girlfriend right now. I have a building to worry about."

Ashton laughed. "Whatever floats your boat, Luke," he said.

Velvet came back and she didn't look happy as she sat down with us. Ashton immediately wrapped his arms aroun her, and they got all lovey-dovey.

"I just got on the phone with my Dad," Velvet sighed. "He says I can't get out of this dinner. I have to learn to be nicer to my future stepmom and sister before the wedding in 3 weeks."

"Where's the wedding going to be held?" I asked her. Velvet shrugged. "Some foreign place I don't give a crap about," she answered. "But you guys are coming, right? You're all friends with my Dad."

Yes, we were good friends with Velvet's Dad. Throughout the years, hanging out with Ashton and Velvet, I got to know him more. He was already like a second father to me.

"Well," I shrugged. "If I was invited then maybe I'd go." Velvet rolled her eyes. "You're obviously invited," she said. "You and my Dad are like father and son." We all laughed.

"Anyway," Velvet stood up. "I should go and get ready for the dinner." She kissed Ashton. "See you boys," she said. "Have fun tonight."

"Bye babe," Ashton waved as Velvet got out of Starbucks.

"So," Ashton turned to me. "Tonight. Party?"

I nodded and smirked in agreement. "Party."

* Link to I Amsterdam :


* story comes out October 2014

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