23. The Hangover

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(c) - Isobel (@BellaVanella)

Everyone was still asleep by the time I woke up. Well, everyone drank the beers except me so of course they were.

I tiptoed my way to the bathroom, careful not to wake Velvet, Ems or Elle. I took a shower and got ready for the day.

I remembered Luke's frustration from last night so I decided to apologize for turning him down. I went by the infirmary and asked Olivia for hangover medicine. She gladly gave it to me and I made my way to Cabin #1.

"Morning, guys," I beamed at the Aussie lads who were groggy. "What are you doing here?" Michael groaned. "And how the hell are you not hungover?" I shrugged. "I didn't drink," I told him.

I made my way to Luke's bed which was the farthest, but it was surprisingly empty. I looked at the half-awake but hungover boys.

"Have you seen Luke?" I asked them. They shook their heads. "No fucking idea," Calum groaned. "I don't think he was here when we arrived from the party. I'm not sure though, last night seemed blurry."

I was certain that Calum, Michael and Ashton were just legit drunk when they arrived. I mean, I took Luke back to the cabin. I'm sure he was already asleep when they arrived. He must've woken up early.

"Hey," Ashton approached me. "Are you going to get take that?" He pointed the the hungover aspirin. I shook my head. "You guys can have it," I told them, setting it on a table. "I'm going to look for Luke. See you!"

I left their cabin and started roaming around. I passed by George who was just playing guitar outside his cabin. I smiled at him but he just ignored me. Whatever. How can I help him when he's not letting me?

I was passing by Cabin #6 which was close to the creek area of the lake when I saw Luke. He still wore last night's clothes and he looked like he barely slept.

"Luke!" I called and his eyes widened when he saw me. "Oh my!" I covered my mouth, seeing how exhausted he seemed. "Let's take you to the infirmary." Olivia can nurse him back. I'll help.

Luke didn't protest when I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the infirmary. Olivia approached us as Luke lazily laid on one of the empty beds.

"What happened to him?" Olivia asked. "He was drunk," I told her then I looked at Luke. "What happened after I left?" Luke started to look uneasy.

"I," he stammered. "I took a walk then I must've fallen asleep by the creeks." I nodded. "You should've stayed in bed when I left," I told him. Luke sighed and gave me a sad smile.

"I'll prepare some medicine," Olivia said. "Just rest." She walked away. "I'll leave you to it," I told him. "No," he grabbed my hand. "Please stay with me. Skip today's session."

I sighed and gave in. I could never say no to Luke. I love him so much and he needs me now.

"Of course," I kissed his forehead, nose then lips. "Rest okay?" He nodded. "I'll be here when you wake up," I told him. "Plus, I made a promise for tonight, didn't I?"

I looked around and saw that Olivia was still rummaging for medicine in her closet so I leaned down, brushing my lips against Luke's ear.

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