∞ . Thank You

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I don't know where to start. First of all, I'm very grateful to all my supporters out there and massive shoutout to these people:

My co-writer, Isobel - She was a big part of this story. She took over when I couldn't and she's also my smut-writing mentor since I don't have much experience in writing those stuff.

Danielle - She introduced me to 5 Seconds of Summer and without her excessive fangirling over them, I never would've listened to their music in the first place.

Camille - She's my fellow fangirl and I love talking to her. We live in different cities now, so it gets hard to communicate. I miss her lots.

Ashton_Smash_Irwin, possiblelives, book_lover191, and Riya21_xx - Their comments really mean a lot to me and it motivated me to keep writing this story. Thank you so much for being, dedicated fans.

Luke Hemmings - 1/4 of 5SOS and my sunshine. He's the guy every girl dreams of having and maybe someday, I'll meet you or I'll meet someone a lot like you. Keep being real, dude.

Ashton Irwin, Michael Clifford, and Calum Hood - 3/4 of 5SOS. You guys are the best band ever. You saved us and inspired us to live our dream. Your band will always live in in our hearts.

You, the Reader - Thank you for reading this story and thank you for sticking with Jane. I hope you stand by her as her journey continues. Also, I'm sorry that the ending was such a cliffhanger but then again, it's not over yet.

* next page for soundtrack :)

Swan Lake || Luke Hemmings AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora