41. Loss

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(c) - isobel (@bellavanella)

"Time of death, 6:17 a.m, 9th of August," Dr. Nguyen announced as her assistants covered George's body with a blanket. "I'm sorry for your loss."

Mrs. Johnson was crying as we watched George's covered body. Elle was comforting me as I began to sob. This was it. My Best Friend, the one I laugh with, piss off, cry over, dream with, love, is gone.

"Come on, girls," Olivia approached me and Elle. "Let's get you both out to calm yourselves." She lead us outside and I was surprised to see the others in the waiting room.

"What the fuck are they doing here?" I snapped at Olivia. She sighed and looked at them. Calum was the 1st to approach. "Listen," he started. "Jane, we're sorry---"

"Congratulations, Calum," I cut him off. "You were right all along." He looked so guilty. "He's as good as dead, right?" I sneered. "Now, he really is. I hope you're happy. You don't have to come here anymore."

I was moving out when I realized that Elle was still following me. "Elle," I pleaded. "Please. I want to be alone." Elle hesitated but nodded, and she went to Michael who started to comfort her.

I went to the balcony, the place where Luke took me a few days ago. I just sat on the bench, feeling numb. My judgement was clouded. I didn't know what to think or say.

George chose this path. He chose death. Well, death is easier than living. You don't have to worry about pain, or anything. It's all peace, and happiness.

I'm supposed to be happy for George, right? But it hurts so bad. In exchange for George's peace, we lost him. I don't think that's supposed happy. I just wish that he could've stayed more.

I heard footsteps approaching, so I grumbled. "Can't you leave me alone?" I snapped but regretted it once I saw that it was Ethan, George's brother, instead of the others.

"Sorry," Ethan said. "I-I'll leave you alone." I shook my head. "It's okay," I told him. "I thought you were the others. I couldn't stand being in the same room as them right now."

Ethan took a seat beside me. "They really seem sorry about what happened," he said. "I know," I sighed. "I guess, they knew George would choose path anyway. I failed him as friend, and we were fighting a losing battle. Maybe they were right. I should've given up ages ago."

"Actually," Ethan said. "I'm glad you didn't give up on him." Ethan turned to face me. "Jane," he continued. "George had a hole in his heart the moment Ava left him."

"It tore him apart. Mom, Dad and I tried to help him but we gave up," he went on. "Believe me when I say, it's the biggest regret of my life. Not a day goes by, where I don't think of what could've been if we tried harder to help George."

"But then you came," he went on. "I know I don't know you the way George does, but I'm sure for a moment then, you made his time here worthwhile. You helped mend that hole in his heart and for that, me, my Mom and Dad, and George owe you our gratitude."

"You're not the crappy friend you think you are," Ethan concluded. "You're a good person who chose not give up. You chose to keep going even when people are letting go. The world needs people like you."

I closed my eyes and freely let the tears fall. "Thank you, Ethan," I told him. He shook his head. "No," he smiled. "Thank you, for loving my brother. For taking care of him better than we ever could."

I wrapped my arms around Ethan and gave him a hug. I felt tears on my shoulder and then I realized that Ethan was crying too. I patted him on the back when we pulled away.

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