30. Dodgeball

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(c) - Isobel (@BellaVanella)

I've been getting better, but not entirely. My heart is still broken, but I'm a firm believer that it will heal. Let the pain remind you that hearts can heal, I keep telling myself. I'm actually close to okay now. I just avoid thinking about it then I'll be okay.

I haven't seen him in a while, probably because I spend most of my time with George and Elle. Michael, though, keeps giving me news that he's miserable than ever. I want to make sure he's okay but I had to stand on my ground. Giving into him might be a mistake.

Today is Friday, which means Health & Fitness again. I guess I can cope knowing that it's free time after that. Besides, George says he's got something exciting planned for me, Elle and him over the weekend.

"Are you carbo-loading?" Elle asked as we both stared at George's breakfast tray. His tray was filled compared to mine and Elle. "Nope," George shook his head, mouth stuffed with food. "Just fūcking hungry."

"Don't swear in-front of food!" I told him. "That's really disrespectful." George just laughed and went on eating.

I was having a turkey sandwich for breakfast while Elle had some berry yogurt. George, on the other hand, had his tray filled with every food served in the morning: omelet, chicken, apple slices, barley bread and a mango-yogurt juice.

"So," Elle started. "It's the 31st of July. One more month in this place till buh-bye." I nodded. "Yeah," I told her. "I leave for Amsterdam in the last week of August. When are you leaving for America?"

"Last week of August too," she said. "I need to get rid of jet lag and adjust to the time zone, so yeah. It's complicated." We both looked at George. "Plans?" Elle asked.

George sighed and shrugged. "I don't know if I should go back to college," he said. "It's not really my thing anymore. I'll just go with the flow or whatever."

"As long as we keep in touch," Elle smiled. George and I both nodded. "So," I changed the topic. "What's the plan for later, Johnson?"

"I'll tell you lot later. I wrote it. It's a long list," George winked at Elle and me. "Believe me when I say this, this is going to be the best weekend ever. I'll tell you both what's up after Health & Fitness."

"Speaking of," Elle sighed. "We should go. We're playing dodgeball today." The three of us groaned and finished our breakfast (surprisingly, George finished his) then we left the cafeteria.

The field was crowded but windy once we got there. Michael approached us and gave Elle a kiss on the lips. George and I just kept making puking noises, but Michael just stuck his tongue out to us.

I looked around and saw Luke standing at the side with Ashton and Calum. He gave me a smile which I returned with a curt nod before turning to George, Michael and Elle.

"He misses you," Michael pointed out. "Not a day passes by when he doesn't mention your name at least once." I sighed and shook my head. "Can we not talk about this right now?" Elle asked Michael. "Jane's fine. Don't ruin the vibe, Mikey."

Michael apologized and I told him it was fine. George, Michael, Elle and I spent the rest of the time talking and avoiding the Luke topic.

"Alright, kiddos!" Counselor James entered the picture and we all gathered around him. "It's play time!" He held out a bunch of dodgeballs. "Hoods, you're the captains. Pick your team."

"I'll pick first!" Elle said. "No way!" Calum protested. "I pick first! I'm older!" Elle rolled her eyes. "By 35 minutes!" She sassed. "Plus, I'm a girl. Be and gentleman and let me pick first."

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