Chapter 18 - The Crying Game

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Five Days Later
Ambrosine Brooks


I never thought I'd live to see the day that I was able to get my first apartment. I remember feeling hopeless, worthless and questioning why I had to experience my reality. I was numb and depressed. By the Grace of God, one of my biggest dreams came true.

I feel unappreciative because I haven't shown any excitement. I have a lot on my mind. I've been overthinking and quiet these past days trying to wrap my head around being pregnant by a stranger.

As cliche as it sounds, although it is my body and my choice, I do need to sit down and talk to Saint. I don't think that it's alright to leave him in the dark. I decided that today was the day I had enough courage to speak to him.

The house was empty and today was my off day. I showered and got dressed. I didn't know if I should call first or just knock on his door. Would he even answer my call? I wasn't sure. I was humiliated by him once. I feel like there's nothing left to lose.

If I'm able to talk to him that's great. If not, it wasn't meant to be.

I walked outside and the cool air kissed my face. I made sure to wear a beanie and large scarf over my jacket to stay warm. I wasn't a fan of being cold. I loved feeling warm.

I walked over to his door and rang the bell. It took a few moments for him to answer the door. It looked like he was about to leave out. He was dressed in all black and looked concerned.

My eyes hit the ground immediately once he stared at me confusedly.

" What's good?" He stared.

" Hey.."

" You alright?" He asked.

" I'm okay. I know it's been a while. My bad if this is weird. I just wanted to talk to you about something."

" I don't want to be rude but I have somewhere I need to be Ambrosine. Can we talk later?" He said in a hurry.

" Uhh—It's just I have other things I need to handle later." I sighed thinking about school and work.

" What happened?" He asked.

" I need to talk to you."

" You down for the ride?" He asked. I nodded. He opened my door and I got in.

" So what's up? Let's talk." He said.

" I know we haven't spoken in a while."

" Yeah.. I'm sorry. I've been focused on the money. I didn't want to lead you on and I couldn't give you my attention. I should've said that."

" It's fine."

" It's not. You're human. You got feelings. It was a bad move and I apologize."

" It's fine."

" It's not. Stop saying that."

" What's wrong though?" He added.

I took a long pause. He stopped at a red light and held on to my chin to ensure I made eye contact.

" What happened Ambrosine?"

" I found out that I'm pregnant."

" What?" He frowned and cars honked at him to drive. He moved his hand off my chin and ran his hand down his face before driving again.

It was silent for a short moment.

" Ambrosine that was like what..two almost three months ago?!" He said.

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