Chapter 36 - Mad Black Woman

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The next day

Life can become chaotic overnight. I wish I treasured my peace and was able to savor it a little more. Anxiety was winning. My tears stung. My heart hadn't stopped rapidly beating and it's felt like hours. I wonder if this is how it feels before death is greeted.

I went to a new doctor. My original doctor insisted I only stay with his facility since they were positive they had found a cancerous lump. I do not trust white America nor do I trust white doctors. It's biased but I am a Black woman in America. They do not care for me the way they are trained to. I traveled an hour or so to see another doctor for a second opinion. Apparently they're the best in Connecticut and I need the best. I needed someone to tell me this was a bad nightmare that is going to end peacefully with me being healthy.

I had already been here for three hours getting test ran on me and because of the long wait I was getting nervous. I'm getting my results in the same day. I can't deal with the suspense and I couldn't feel this way for another week. I do not feel sick. I feel scared.

Ambrosine was at home catching up on work while I was here.
" Ms. Walker? Hello My name is Dr. Reid. I'm sorry for the long wait but there's been a horrible mishap. We ran a few test a couple of times just to be sure but I do not see any signs of breast cancer."

" Doctor please don't play with me like that" I was confused. This had to be a sick joke.

" I'm very much serious. I would also like the information of the doctor who told you otherwise. This situation has happened to me one other time."

My face filled with tears. I was going to be okay.

But why the hell did the other Doctor tell me otherwise?

Saint Josiah

I had to handle some shit amongst my workers at the trap. Them niggas wasn't about to let their egos get in the way of my money. Everybody eating so nobody should be feeling no type of way about shit period.

I glanced at my phone as an incoming call came in from Jah.

" Yo I'm parked downstairs'

" Aight." I hung up.

As I walked down the steps towards the entrance of my home while opening the gate I was stopped by this thick shawty. She had some real big lips on her and an even bigger ass.

" Hey Saint" She undressed me with her eyes.

" Wassgud? I know you from somewhere?" I raised my brow.

"  Yeah I'm Ace sister" she laughed.

" Oh right right".

Ace was one of my mans I chilled with time to time, not close but he was cool.

If she wasn't his sister and I wasn't focused on Ambrosine,  I probably would've said some slick shit to have her bent over my kitchen counter screaming daddy. I'll be honest, I'm a man. But in reality nobody could replace Ambrosine, not even for sex no matter how horny I was getting these days. I respect her wanting to be patient as we figured out what we were doing.

Quickly getting out my thoughts I looked up to see Jah annoyed in the car.

" Well see you" I said and she had the confused face on like I was supposed to continue the conversation.

Glancing up I noticed Audi leaving out her house but I walked off to Jah parked in his Jeep Wrangler.

" Yo let me holla at this girl real quick"

" Nigga u taking years, you should've been talking to her  and not that bitch over there if u feel that way. You wasting time and time is money"

" Nigga shut ya broke ass up"

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