Never Before Seen Chapter

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Reread Chapter 33 ..


Ambrosine exited Saint's home with Chasity. Not only was she sore from her miscarriage, she had sunken into postpartum depression immediately after.

It was hard for her to tell Saint so she assumed that being straight forward with the man she loved would be best. She never expected him to hit her but felt she deserved it. In fact, she wished he had hit her more so that she may feel something. It may sound bizarre but she was numb. Staring at an already dried wall, she felt broken.
Upon entering her home Camila immediately noticed both her daughters were upset. One frowning, one staring in a daze.

" What's wrong with you two?" She eyed them.

" Ma I don't even want to talk about it but know I keyed that nigga car so if I go to jail hold on to my belongings and call my job" Chasity sighed.

" What the hell happened?" Camila was confused and Chasity had already walked upstairs. She turned to Ambrosine and noticed her face was red and nose had a bit of blood still dripping.

" Baby what happened?" She said as she grabbed both Ambrosine arms and examined her.

She failed to make eye contact. She was there but she wasn't there.

" Ambrosine I'm speaking to you. Who did this to your face? Was it Niche?" Camila grabbed Audi's face to further inspect it.

" Who did this Audi?" Ambrosine hesitated to answer

" Saint?". Camila's eyes widened. Ambrosine finally met her eyes and slowly looked away once again.

" What? Are you two playing around with me?"

" He didn't." She held her chest in shock. She felt a whirlwind of pain for Ambrosine.

Ambrosine stared in a dazed and tears rolled down her face.

She wrapped her arms around her as they sat on the couch. Camila eyes watered, she never wanted to see her daughter cry ever. Her love for Ambrosine was true.

" Baby it will be okay. I promise. You don't need him, you have us". Camila vowed that whenever she had a run in with Saint she would let him know that no man will ever be putting his hands on her children, ever again.

Camila helped Ambrosine up and cleaned her nose better than Chasity had done at Saint's home and encouraged her to shower and sleep. Ambrosine did exactly that. For one week, she woke up and got out of bed to shower and returned to bed to sleep. She had been avoiding food. It was a reminder she no longer ate for two. Camila had to force her to eat and most of the times whenever she spoke to Ambrosine she would be in a daze staring into space. It was like she lost her daughter completely and it ate her inside.

No one spoke of the situation until Chasity got a text from Saint Thanksgiving Eve apologizing. It upset Camila to know he reached out to Chasity first and not his 'girlfriend' who was hurting.

Ambrosine had eventually attempted to get out of bed but she was still in pain. She showered before walking downstairs to help cook. She no longer wanted to lose valuable time dwelling. She walked downstairs to see Chasity and Camila talking with their brows furrowed and questioned what they were talking about.

Once she found out it was Saint, she felt like all the strength she built up to get out of bed had gone out the door and she desperately wanted to crawl back in it.

She began to ice a cake in attempt to take her mind off what she now felt was a sin..being irresponsible and losing her baby.

She stared at Camilla's phone that showed the date and time. Two weeks had passed.

This experience will taint her entire perception of forgiveness. She cannot forgive herself.

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