Chapter 59 - I thought I knew you.

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"Where you taking my kid?" Niche said yelling in Apryl's face as she put on Ambrosine's shoes.

" To play with her friend Nicholas" She moved back a bit.

" You never got time for a nigga anymore" He said sucking his teeth.

" She's just a child she can't be in the house all day. She's been asking about Chasity non stop I'm taking her to Camila's"

" Aight since that brat more important walk there" He snatched her car keys.

Niche was beginning to get jealous of his own child. Apryl devoted all her time and energy to work and her kid. It was no time for anything, especially sex. That didn't sit well with Niche.

" But Niche it's burning up outside she'll get hot" Apryl tried to talk him into returning get keys

" That sounds personal."

" Fucking waste of space" She mumbled.

" What was that? He said eyeing her. He knew what she said but wanted to see if she was bold enough to repeat it.

" Nothing"

As Apryl headed towards the door to face the heat with her young daughter a knock came. It was Niche's plug Paavo. The streets knew him as Pablo. Word was going around that his big time drug dealing uncle planned on giving him the throne and Niche was kissing his ass in attempt to partner with him.

" Pablo wassup man" Niche dapped him up.

" Shit getting to the money."

"How you Apryl?" He added. Whenever he was in a room with Apryl he treated her with the up most respect.

" Fine. We were just leaving but make yourself at home"

He eyed her nodding then squatted down to give Ambrosine a twenty dollar bill.

" Go get yourself something cool beautiful " He said causing her to smile.

" What do you say Ambrosine?" Apryl spoke up.

" Thank you"

Apryl grabbed her hand heading out into the heat.

It was 80 degrees and the walk was about 20 minutes. She stopped at a corner store and got a bottle of water and an icy for Ambrosine and herself.

" Here mommy" Ambrosine began to pull out her money.

" No baby it's okay hold on to your money. Mommy has it"

They began to walk. Apryl wore her hair in a bun with door knocker earrings, high waisted shorts, a crop top and jelly sandals while Ambrosine wore an orange dress with clear jelly sandals.

" Mommy I'm hot" Ambrosine spoke

" I know baby we'll be there soon."

Despite being hot, Apryl picked Ambrosine up and carried her the rest of the way.

She finally arrived to the door of Camila and her husband Xavier's home. She ranged the bell and Camila opened it.

" Hi Ambrosine. Chasity is out back waiting on you" Camila said smiling.

Apryl placed her down and Ambrosine flew running through the house.

An awkward silence grew between the two women. The truth is they didn't know each other well. Xavier, Camila's husband, has been one of Apryl's best friends since back in high school. Camila was worried that the two were intimate but that was never the case and she soon realized it once she had her in her home a few times.

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