Chapter 26- Understanding.

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Saint Josiah
Two Weeks Later

I woke up this morning with my family heavy on my mind. I feel like we haven't done anything together in a while. I threw out the bizarre idea to go to Mexico for three days and surprisingly Natalie will allow me to take Nova.

I called up my folks to see how they felt about it and my mother pratically screamed over the phone. I have to do shit like this more often because I love to see her smile. My father more chill. He was more curious about where I was getting the money from.

Trent got the green light from Renae, she thought it was be good if he took some time to relax before he dived into daddy mode. My nephew would be here real soon. I can't wait for my little one to come too. I plan to give my parents the news in Mexico.

Ambrosine didn't want to come. I extended the invite but she declined. She didn't feel safe flying during her pregnancy and I could respect that. She was kind. I was enjoying getting to know her better. She just entered her third month of pregnancy two days ago. Her belly is still small but I can tell it will begin to poke more soon.

My family and I left this morning for a 3 day trip. I couldn't wait to show them a small part of the world they hadn't experienced yet. I wanted to make sure I was checking on Ambrosine. If he lying if I said I wasn't watching my ring bell like a hawk as she came in and out from work.

I decided to call her once I noticed she got in from work. I sat at the bar of my hotel resort and drank my life away while Nova was spending time in the pool with my parents.

"Hello?" She answered. She sounded tired.

"Hey Audi why you sound like that?"

"Like what?" She asked.

"Like you miss me" I chuckled.

"Ha ha real funny"

"I wanted to ask you something" I smiled.

"What's up?"

" How many times you gonna order Chik Fil A to my door girl?" I laughed.

She bust out laughing.

" Stop watching me creep."

" Nah but you good? How you feel?"

" A little dizzy but I think that's normal."

" Alright well don't hesitate to reach out. I'll be home in two days."

" Alright. Enjoy your trip."

" Thanks. Talk to you later."

" Later." She said before hanging up.

I continued drinking.

Ambrosine Brooks

I took a nap on the couch after submitting my homework to blackboard. I woke up to excruciating pain in my stomach. It felt worse than period cramps.

I texted Saint to let him know what was going on but honestly he wasn't going to be getting may text messages on the resort. I called and did get a response. I went to use the bathroom and was relieved to see that there was no blood.

When I called my doctor, they asked about what I'd been eating and assured that I needed more vegetables in my diet and to come in the morning. It was too late to go into the doctor.

I decided that I should be safe and go to the emergency room.

Everything seemed to be fine when I went. They said it could've been the food. The baby was okay. I went back home around 12am from the hospital. I'm usually the girl who runs to the doctor if something feels out of ordinary. I don't like feeling sick. I had the idea of it.

I finally was able to get Saint on a call. I let him know what was happening and that everything was okay. He assured that I should sleep in his bedroom tonight because the mattress was better and I'd get a better night rest.

He was being very kind and patient with me. He was acting like he was ready to get on a plane but I didn't think it was worth losing the money. I felt better.

I got curious and began to look around his room. He kept a gun in his nightstand, he left money laying around everywhere and he was pretty organized.

I imagined what he'd be like as a dad to our baby. His daughter was lucky to have these experiences so early on. I want that for my baby as well. Life can be so beautiful. I wish everyone had the same privileges. I wish money didn't rule the world and we were all able to freely enjoy it.

Maybe it was the pregnancy that got me all wrapped up in thinking about children who didn't have the same luxury.

I couldn't wait to impact the lives of the youth and try to make a difference. Unfortunately, not all kids get daddies like Saint that would go to the moon and back for them. I know I didn't.

I judged him early on but I see that he is his own person. Although, I do not agree with his line of work, he's a good father and an honorable man. He isn't obligated to take care of me but he is. I was blessed for this experience as well. It has been a soft experience for me. I wasn't stressing over money and my main focus was to just stay as healthy as possible.

My cravings were kicking me in the ass but I'm determined to get it together so I won't be sitting up in no trifling ass hospital again.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't counting down the days Saint came home. I loved being around him although I'd never say that out loud. He was attractive and watching him be a parent to No a melted my heart. We don't speak much and he gives me my space but I am observant. I see how good is he with her. I see how patient he is with himself.

I wrapped myself in his comforter in took in the scent of Saint Josiah.

I missed him.

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