Chapter 33- Thinking Out Loud

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Saint Josiah

"FUCK!.. Yo Natalie stop" I yelled as she laughed.

"No" She kept going.

" It's going to feel good just let me keep going" She laughed some more.

I sucked my teeth shoving my face into the covers as Natalie stood on my back trying to crack it. Her ass was heavy as hell. I should've had my baby do it instead.

" Yo what the fuck, nah get up this shit feel worse. I'm gonna need a professional messing with your ass."

" You gonna wake up Nova shutup!"

" You trynna break my damn back, I knew I should've just let Nova do it"

" Whatever don't say I never did nothing for you" She got down and walked off and I laid on the bed scrolling through my phone.

It's been a few weeks since the situation with Ambrosine and I occured. Neither one of us has texted or call and I decided to take my cousin's advice. I wanted to give her space before apologizing. I still have this anger towards her but it wasn't hate. I didn't hate her as much as I tried.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and though I don't really feel like celebrating it, I can't pass up my mothers food. I decided to spend a little bit of time with Nova and her mom before she left. I know we aren't together but I still want Nova to have memories of us as a family. I made sure Natalie had some time with Nova for the holidays.

" What you sitting there thinking about" She reentered the room.

" Nothing."

" You know you're a bad liar right?" She chuckled

" Its nothing " I got up and went into Nova's room. It just didn't click to me as to why Audi ain't call. I hate that she went through that shit alone. I never wanted that. No matter how much I tried to see her point of view I couldn't. I glanced at my baby girl as she slept. My mind was stuck on this situation for the past few weeks and I thought that giving her space was the best thing to do.

" Aight well me and Nova are about to lay down so let me walk you out." I wanted her to go before she tried to push the issue and get into my business more than I was allowing her to.

Once she left, I put Nova down for a nap. I decided to text Ambrosine and apologize. It's been a minute and I know she wasn't feeling me but it's what I wanted to do in the moment. She ignored me.

I feel like an idiot trying to apologize but I will keep doing so until I get it right. My actions can't be justified at this point because I'm a grown ass man who reacted like a kid. I thought maybe throwing her some money would help her forgive me. I needed a miracle to happen if I wanted to speak to this woman. I'm pressed. I zelled her a few stacks to see if that would prompt her to hit me up. A few minute passed and I didn't hear nothing from her.

A few minutes turned into three hours and now Nova was up. I don't like shit like that. The least she could do is say thank you or no thank you if she didn't want it. I got my kid dressed and went next door to see if she was home. She could avoid me over the phone but not in real life.

I ranged the door bell and was greeted by Camilla. She smiled. " Hello."

" Hey. How are you?"

" I'm good. How are you?"

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