Chapter 61 - Altruistic

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adjective: altruistic
showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.

Ambrosine Brooks

"Hello" I tried not to be awkward but I couldn't help it.

She just stared at me for a while before speaking.

" I'm sorry it's just you're so beautiful and all grown up"

" Hi, I'm Apryl" She reached her hand out to shake mine and I found it humorous that she really was about to shake my hand.

" I know you ain't come all the way from Miami to shake my  hand" I walked over to her and hugged her.

" Oh" She said as I held her tight. She smelled so good. I knew it was something expensive.

We let go and the room filled with silence.

" Uh I'm sorry but I don't know what to say" I admitted

" Me either" She smiled.

" Did you eat?" I asked.

" No I actually didn't"

" Well feel free to anything in the kitchen"

" Or get us Ruth Chris with your rich ass!" Chasity yelled from the kitchen laughing

" Stop cursing she's a sponge" I laughed

Chasity stuck out her tongue and I went to grab Nova out her arms.

" Do you guys want to go out to eat?" Apryl spoke up

" It's okay ignore Chasity she's just playing. Plus it's cold I don't want her getting sick"

" Okay" She sat back down.

" You're really good with her. Do you want any?"

" Sure one day"

I got a text from Natalie saying she wont be getting Nova until tomorrow and began to reply while Nova was on my hip but I felt her staring. I looked at her making eye contact and she quickly looked away.

I walked off to the kitchen a few moments later

" She's being weird"  I said lowly to Chasity

" She's in awe you dumbass"

" I know that but she could speak. She was feening now she don't got nothing to say"

" Then start up a conversation she don't know your lil ugly ass yet"

" You right let me stop being so ignorant about it all" I laughed and Nova did too.

" What's funny pretty girl? You don't know what you even laughing at"

" We should've invited mommy she knows her way better" I spoke to Chasity

" There's always tomorrow"

" Apryl how long your fine ass here for!" Chasity yelled and moments later she walked in

" Ugh I don't know actually" She admitted

" Why are so being so quiet?" I bluntly asked

" I'm sorry I'm staring I just don't know what to say." She laughed a bit

" Y'all both dating the plug so that's always something to talk about"

" Chasity you're really outspoken" Apryl laughed

" I wished she'd shutup" I mumbled.

" So what have you been up to Ambrosine?"

" School, work, community service that kind of stuff and you?"

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