Chapter 25- At your best

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Chasity Marie Miller

" Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Chasity Happy birthday to you!" My family sang to me. It's been a while since I've seen them all in one room.

" Happy seventeenth birthday baby I love you so much" My mom said holding me tight in her arms. It's my first birthday without my father and I feel empty. The only thing I could wish for was for my mother and I to live a happy healthy life together. She was my whole world now. It was no longer the three of us.

I glanced over at my mother who was on the verge of crying and I couldn't help but flashback to the sound of a bullet piercing through my fathers body as he shouted out for me to run for safety. I didn't run— I wouldn't. I was prepared to die before leaving the only man who would die for me. I watched my father take his last breath and in a way I did too. I felt dead inside. My mother's heart is broken. The only thing she had left to hold on to was her love for me. It isn't fair that she will never be able to love anyone like she loved my father. I will pray every morning and night my mother can find happiness. There is no hope for me. I can't even look my best friend in the eyes without seeing her father. I have anger in me but it isn't towards her. She's been living in her own hell daily. It seems like Niche wanted to bring anyone who cared about her down. He was evil but yet I couldn't hate her. I felt bad for her. She will never have the type of relationship I had with my father.

While I needed my father,  Ambrosine needed my mother and I.

Present Day

My mother told me that cancer ran in our family and was adamant about me going to do testing every year to be safe. I've been coming to this same doctor every two years since I turned eighteen. I knew it was her own paranoia and fear of being left alone so I did it.

I was shocked when this doctor looked me in my eyes and told me I was sick. I didn't feel sick. I didn't look sick. I barely got headaches. Something felt off.

" So how do plan on tackling this? You have a few options. You can get a lumpectomy , mastectomy or double mastectomy if you wait too long and it spreads" The doctor eyed me.

I thought of the days that I felt as if I had died. My father's death and my first birthday without him that was a week later was the worst days of my life. For that entire year I didn't feel like myself. I wasn't sure why but it was probably because this is as sudden as the bullet that pierced through his body as he let out agonizing yells. I prayed day and night to live a long healthy life and now here I am listening to a man tell me that I have breast cancer. I wouldn't believe it. I needed a second and third opinion. Something seemed strange. Why was he rushing to tell me treatment options if I didn't even know which breast was infected?

If I was to grow sick and possibly take my last breath soon I needed to know that someone would be there to love and care for my mother as I do. Ambrosine is like her daughter and I knew she would be there for my mother if I couldn't be. I just hope that God would have my back and get me through this but I knew it was a two way street. I have to be just as strong. But again, something was off.

" Ms. Miller?" I was lost out my thoughts.

" Can I have some time to think about it?"

" Yes but I need an answer soon we don't want it to spread to your other breast"

" Which breast is it again?" I asked.

" Your right."

I shook my head.

"Yes Doctor I understand. I want to talk with my family first about how I will be paying." We weren't rich and cancer wasn't a billion dollar industry for no reason. I exited the office heading home. My life was already crazy with work and family, I had no time for love but besides that I didn't know how I would tell my family.And to think life was finally having its upside. I became a hiring manager at Saks making good money, I was about to move out and I had a beautiful niece or nephew on the way. Why does the bad always outweigh the good? Why me? But again, something was strange.

I got in my car and broke down. I didn't know if I was going to die or not. I could feel the stress running through my body. My life couldn't end this way. I had to get a second opinion and do more research on this doctor.

Ambrosine Brooks

When I got home Chasity was in bed. She said she wasn't feeling well and didn't want to get me sick so I spent some time in the living room doing homework and watching tv. After a while, I got a text from Saint asking for me to come over. He was upset that I didn't invite him to the doctor with me but he'll be okay.

I knocked on the door and he opened it with a baby in his hands.

" Hold her for me." He passed me the child and went to check his mailbox before coming back in.

" She can walk. You can put her down." He said. He opened a package and handed her a doll out of the box.

" Here mama go play." He said.

" Actually come back." He chased after her.

" Ambrosine, this is Nova."

" Nova this is Ambrosine. Say hi."

" Hiii" She waved and smiled before running off with her new toy.

" So what's up? How did yesterday go?"

" The second doctor said that the baby has a heart murmur but it may not be serious. They're going to keep watch."

" Okay. So that means?..."

" I'm going to have the baby."

" Okay. I'm cool with that." He nodded.

" How you feel about staying here too?"

" Why would I stay here?"

" I don't know. More space to yourself while we get read for the baby."

" I'm moving soon. It doesn't make sense to move stuff here and then to my apartment."

" Where you moving to?"

" Not too far."

" How much you need?"

" What?"

" I want to make sure you straight."

" You just gave me money."

" That was for the baby. This would be for you. How much you need?"

" I'm okay."

He sucked his teeth and walked away. He returned with a clear bag filled with money.

" Just take it and make sure you buy whatever you need. How many bedrooms does it have?"

" Two."

" You moving with Charity?"

" I am."

" That's cool. You sure y'all don't want three bedrooms? I can handle that expense for you. I have a real estate agent." He asked.

" I think we're okay."

" Okay." He walked off.

" How you feeling though?"

" Im alright."

" You hungry?"

" No, I'm okay. "

" Alright Ambrosine. Make yourself comfortable. I'm about to put Nova down for a nap."

I nodded and went to the guest room to sleep. I couldn't wrap my head around why he was being so kind and generous to me when he was just angry.

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