Chapter Twenty Two

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Dad didn't come home that night, not as though we were surprised. We had stayed up on the couch watching The Johnsons and Professor John bull in the guise of waiting for him. When the latter programme ended, mum asked me to take Zara up to our room and retire to bed. I didn't want to leave her all alone so I insisted on staying till dad returns, but she saved a better response for me.

"I'm going to bed too" She said sitting up. "It's 11pm and I won't be up, waiting. Tomorrow is going to be a long day so I need all the rest I can get, so get some sleep too, okay?" I nodded.

To say I was amazed would be an understatement, I was more than excited. I watched as she switched off the sockets, the ceiling fan and the lightbulb. She walked into the kitchen, and out again. She checked the front and rear doors and when satisfied, nodded me in.

I couldn't believe mum was actually going to bed without dad, it was an absolute endearing improvement.
I awoke the next morning, pretty earlier than usual. I was feeling both nervous and excited, excited cos it was my birthday but nervous cos I didn't know what the day will hold for us.

Sundays ought to be special and my birthday falling on such day is something beautiful. The plan was to hold a thanksgiving mass in church before heading to the new apartment.

I yawned heavily as I looked around the floor, searching for my slippers. Zara wasn't in our room. Was she awake already? Or did she sleepwalk to mum's room? I'm sure mum will say the latter cos she loves having Zara with her.

Sliding my leg into my slippers, I gently walked to the door, my eyes adjusting to the dim room. I hadn't locked the bolt last night, maybe cos I was hoping to hear when dad returns.

I reached for the door knob, twisting and pulling it open.

"Happy birthday!!!!" Mum and Zara chorused.

My heart sank.

I was all smiles, my heart bubbling in such love, such acceptance, such togetherness.

The passage was already bright, showing that it wasn't as early as I'd thought.

"Oh mum! Zara!" I murmured embracing them.

"I thought you'd never wake up" Mum said giving me a toothy smile.

"And I thought I was up very early. Why is our room still dark?"

"I pulled the curtains when I came to carry Zara. I didn't want to wake you up" Mum replied, giving me another hug. "Your dad will soon be here, so let's get ready" She said unwrapping her hands from my body.

"How long have you been standing out here?" I asked as she turned to leave. She tilted her neck to glance at me, she was just smiling.

I smiled too. Now I know, it's never the bigger things we receive, but the smallest things packaged with the biggest love.

Within an hour, we were dressed and waiting patiently for dad to come pick us up. That was the initial plans.



"Maybe you should try calling his line" I said to mum. She was quiet, her eyes moving swiftly as they followed Zara as she ran around the house.

"Let's give him a little more time, maybe he's caught up or something" she replied calmly.

9:30am and he's still s nowhere to be found.

Without wasting another second,  mum dialed his number.

Switched off.

"It's off Ada" she muttered tiredly.

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