Chapter Fifty Eight

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For few long seconds, I was transfixed. He was too. However, I guess I got over the shock faster than he could.

I gave him a warm smile.

"Hello" I said extending my right hand for a shake.

Emy was still dumbfounded and clearly couldn't raise his hands. I could tell easily that he was beholding a beauty he had lost.

"Nneka!, you look amazing!" that was all he could screech. I guess he couldn't pretend.

I nodded and smiled, gently lowering my hand.

"It seems you both know each other?" Nkay asked smiling.

"Yea, from way back" I replied quickly, nodding as I spared the obviously ignorant young lady a glance.

"Small world huh?" The bride chipped in, glancing at both Emeka and I. I just smiled.

"I can't believe you are standing before me" Emy continued, grinning like a baby goat.  His eyes were measuring me up, never sparing any part of me.

"A huge surprise right?" I asked smiling.

Nkay was quickly becoming uneasy with Emy's attitude towards me but she is definitely not to blame as she doesn't yet understand the relationship that existed between us.

"She told me your wedding will be coming up soon? I hope you will oblige me the honor of being your decorator?" I asked him politely but quickly, I really needed to stop him from his obvious lust.

"And that doesn't worry you?" Came his blunt response.

I laughed, and honestly I was even surprised at myself. I never thought I could endure the pain of watching my Emy marry someone else, but being faced with the reality made me understand how much my sanity and happiness meant to me.

To answer his question, I shook my head with boldness. "Not a bit".

Emy went numb.

"Emy, is there something I need to know?" Nkay couldn't help but ask. Her countenance was more of a pretentious yet deadly beast. The way she folded her arms over her chest, with her eyes almost bulging out from their sockets as she glanced at me, made me realize she was clearly picking up some unsettling vibes from my brief discussion with her fiance.

"Nothing darling, it's nothing important" Emy lied, lifting his eyes off me and resting them on his bride to be. He gave her a reassuring smile, taking her left hand into his.

"So wouldn't you mind?" she asked, a lot relieved.

"It wouldn't be a problem" Emy answered, but this time with no enthusiasm. "But let's keep it till then, okay?". Nkay nodded.

Smiling, I thanked her for the opportunity, gave Emy a curt nod and left.

Once outside, I hurled over to some friends who graced the occasion, greeting and making brief chats with them. Some acquaintances whom I was introduced to on the spot requested for my contact details for a job well done and I was most excited. Done, I strutted to the car, but just as I was about to pull the door open, someone tapped her shoulder.

I jumped at the sudden contact, swerving to face whoever it was squarely. But it was him. Emeka.

"So why have you left your girlfriend, sorry Fiancee behind?" I asked, maybe a little angry.

"To see my wife" he replied. Bold faced.

I didn't see that coming, neither did I find it funny, therefore I turned to the car, pulling the door open. I shoved myself inside and reached out to shut the door, but he was holding it firmly.

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