Hello All

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I hope this note meets you all in great health. Please kindly pardon my slow updates, believe me it isn't intentional. School and stuff.... It's crazy. But that's not the reason for this update..

From the beginning, Stronger Than Pain  has been written from one POV which is predominantly Adaoma's, however this has limited my ability to capture some concrete events since its assumed she can't be everywhere every time. Based on this, I think it's wise I capture the remaining parts of this story from the other characters point of view.

Therefore, this is to officially announce that I'll be using POVs in the remaining part of this story. Please be kind to notice the switch so as to understand the story better.

My apologies if it'll cause any confusion, I only have your best interest at heart but be sure to drop any suggestions that you think will help improve the story.

Don't worry, the next chapter will be up before you bat an eyelid.

Just don't abandon me *begs*

@weirdermum xxx

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