Chapter Forty Eight

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Within few minutes of reckless driving, we hurled to a stop before the factory. I thanked the driver who nodded in response without lifting his eyes which were fixed on the dashboard, to meet mine. I stepped out with Zara lurking behind.

Walking into the open doors, the sole of my sandals made clacking noises as we made our way to mum's desk. I couldn't understand why it was surprising seeing every one of her colleagues working busily. Few heads glanced our way while we walked to her desk with most of them instantly returning to whatever it was they were doing. Amongst all of them, it was just the two men who had earlier taken her to the hospital that cared enough to inquire how she was. Every other person didn't care that much.

I was sad.

The atmosphere in the office disturbed me. It was as if nothing had happened in there. It was warm, joyful and filled with overwhelming talks, gossips and silent Laughter. It was lively, too lively that I began to question if it wasn't at that spot that mum fainted, just an hour ago.

Refocusing on why I was there, I crouched a little to search her desk. Luckily, I found mum's handbag underneath it and was relieved to find her phone intact.

"Hello" A voice said from behind, forcing me to straighten up.

"Ehm... Hi" I replied stuttering.

"You shouldn't be in here.... "

"Why?" I asked, a bit confused. I glanced around to notice no one was looking our way, even though I was sure her voice was loud enough.

"You can't just walk into someone's space without permission okay?"

"Oh! That's okay." I replied glancing at her, a little smile playing on my lips. "This is my mums desk and I'm just here to pick her bag"

"Even at that, you should have sought for permission. It's company's protocol that no desk is left unattended to no matter what, so someone has replaced your mum at the moment, and that person is me."

I paused. Breathless.

All I could mutter was "How cruel!"

"Sorry" I mumbled, picking up the bag. Turning to Zara, I smiled and grabbed her hands and majestically, we walked out of the office.

Safe outside, my eyes casually moved to our showcase and tiredly rested on it. Instinctively, my mind began to replay the events of the morning and I wondered how a second can change the entire life of a person. Slowly I moved over to it, pondering in my heart what I'll do with it.

Pulling the semi glass door open, my eyes rested on the transparent bucket which someone had been kind  enough to hide inside the showcase. But something was amiss. I roughly lifted the bucket lid and was shocked to find it empty.

"Who would be so cruel to take the remaining snacks without bothering to pay? Or at least leave the money somewhere or even inside the bucket? Or didn't whoever it was see me walk in now?

I was slowly getting angry but didn't know where or whom to vent it on. Shutting my eyes, I let my anger swim away as I remember mum's predicament. These snacks and showcase isn't much important right now, mum is.

I dug my palm into mum's bag and fiddled through it till my fingers wrapped round the phone, and slowly I pulled it out. I pressed the side button and watched as it flickered on.

"What are you doing Ada?" Zara asked impatiently. I looked down at her and with a smile stroked her hair.

"The snacks is finished and you didn't gift me one as mum said" She added bitterly.

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