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*Brianna pov*

The movie theater wasn't that far from the house so we just walked. The entire time Hayes held my hand, to be honest I was kind of nervous for this date but I remembered that it was with Hayes. We've been getting along really well this past week of me being here. I'm really comfortable around him, but this being a date was the only thing that got me nervous.

I've had a little crush in Hayes ever since I saw him drop his phone and look at me for the first time. Him entirely is just perfect. He's nice, funny, smart, sweet, crazy, athletic, and to top it off, he's cute.

We got to the theater and Hayes paid for my ticket. I offered to pay for mine, since I had a record deal we got paid big bucks but I never really showed it around the boys, but Hayes insisted he pay. He said,"No. I'm the gentlemen, and the gentlemen should always pay for their beautiful date."

That made me blush like crazy. Hayes is really one of the only guys I've actually liked, and not for them being famous. My record deal ruined my first relationship. My boyfriends name was Reed. He's famous too, but he was only on the show The X Factor. He sings amazing and I loved it when he sang to me. When I got the record deal we lasted a month longer than we already did, but then my manager had different plans.


"Brianna. Reed isn't as famous as you it's not good for you to be seen with him. He's a nobody in the music business. That's why Brayden's better for you. Both of you get more publicity and it'll work out great for us." My manager tried explaining.

He wanted me to break up with my boyfriend Reed. We met through The X Factor. Simon always talked to my manager and we both met Reed. Instantly I took a liking to him. He was cute, his smile brightens up a day, and he sings amazingly. He didn't get a record deal but we kept in touch and started dating. After a year of us being together my manager wants me to break up with him because he's not "as famous" as me? That's not gonna happen. I need someone like Reed who likes me for me and not for my record deal.

"Why does that matter? Reeds the best thing that's ever happened to me since I got here. I'm not dating that pretty boy right here just so I can get more famous. If you haven't noticed my fans love me and Reed together and I like I that way too. Your not breaking us up." I was stomping away furious with my manager when someone grabbed my arm and turn me around. Next thing I know that blonde pretty boys lips are on mine and I hear a camera click.

I slapped Brayden on the cheek and noticed my manager put it on Instagram. I saw people were tagging Reed in the picture. Great! Now everyone thinks I'm cheating on Reed. I would never do that. I got a text from Reed less than a minute later.

From Reed😍😘: What the hell was that on Instagram I thought you were different but now I know you just used me. Have fun with the blonde. We're done.

I didn't even know what to say to him.

To Reed😍😘: Please let me explain. That wasn't meant to happen. My manager wanted me to break up with you cuz you weren't as famous as me. I don't give a fuck how famous you are I like you and only you. I was pissed at my manager and walked out but that stupid blondee grabbed my arm and kissed me so everyone would think I cheated. I would never cheat on you. Please forgive me? You might not want to get back together but I can't live without you. If you don't want to at least say were friends please.

From Reed😍😘: okay I believe you. But your managers right. I'm not even good enough for you Brianna. Your perfect and I'm just a kid trying to pursue my dream. Plus I think your managers gonna make you date that pretty boy anyway. But I can't live without you either. I'm okay with friends if you are. But always remember, I am in love with you and I have been since I first laid eyes on you. Text me whenever and we'll still hangout ok? I love you. Never forget that.

A New Love (A Hayes Grier fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now