Nagisa's Misunderstanding pt.2

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Nagisa pov
When classes were over I imidiently went home so I could finish my homework and get dressed to meet up with Karma.

I had gotten everything done in about 1 hour and changed out of my school uniform.

I put on some black jeans, black T-shirt, and some white vans.

I left the house and headed to the park.

When I got there it was 6:00
"I'm a bit early....oh well, I'm sure he'll come soon" I smiled to myself and sat down on a bench


I checked the time
"He's just running late" I told myself

I checked the time again
'Maybe he has a surprise...'

The sky was already dark, but darker than usual. It was probably going to rain.

I was looking down at my feet, still sitting on the bench...waiting for Karma

"He's not coming...Is he?"

I'm not sure why I stayed.
I guess a part of me hoped he would come



"Come on Karma! Before it rains!"
I stood up when I heard Karma's name
'Is he finally here!?'
I felt my lips curl up just knowing that he actually came for me.


My happiness soon faded away

He was with Okuda, with their arms linked together, and the two just passed by
The moment I called his name Okuda kissed his cheek



I sat back down on the bench from shock
"He forgot about me..." my voice cracked

All this time...was he faking it?

Did he really love me?

Why'd he do this to me? Was it just me who was happy about our relationship?

I thought he was gay....

Why'd he lie to me?

It soon began raining and I undid my pigtails.

'Was our relationship a joke this whole time...'
My tears began to mix with the water drops on my face
I felt so numb...

Karma pov
I was exiting my house ready to head to the park and hang out with Nagisa
'Finally! I get to hang out with my boyfriend'

As I was locking my door I felt someone tap on my shoulder.
I turned around and saw Okuda
'Great' I thought sarcasticly
"Karma let's go shopping!"
"Sorry, I already have plans with Nagisa" I told her as I walked passed her
"Are you cheating on me!!?"
The moment I heard those I got pissed
"How am I cheating on you!!? Nagisa's my actual boyfriend! You're nothing to me!Nothing you do will make me stop loving and chasing after him!"

Her eyes began to tear up
I only rolled my eyes
"I don't have time for this. Nagisa's probably  waiting for me, I'm leaving"
"We still have the picture!"
I stopped
"After how many times you ignored him, do you think he'll believe you"
"Thought so"
She walked up to me and grabbed my arm
"There's no school tomorrow, so let's enjoy ourselves!"

Okuda had spent 2 hours shopping and made me carry all her bags
"Oh my, what a cute couple"
"So cute!"
I tried to ignore all the comments we were getting from strangers walking passed us
"See Karma, I'm a much better choice. Forget Nagisa"
I glared at her and threw all her bags to the ground
"How are you better than Nagisa?!"
"I'm a girl. Besides don't you hear the people. If you were with Nagisa, imagine all the hate you two would be getting."
"Shut Up! Is that your only fucking reason! Just because your a girl and Nagisa is a guy! That makes zero sense!"
"Nagisa is 1000x's better than you'll ever be!"
She was silent
'Did I get her?'
"Look Karma! That's the movie I wanted to see! Let's go!"
She began dragging me


The movie finished and when we got out it was already dark
"Nagisa!!" I yelled out remembering that I was supposed to meet him
I began running to the park
'I have to see him! I need to apologize!"
"Karma! It's too late!"
I stopped
'She's right. It's already 10'
'He already left'

"Come on Karma! Before it rains!"
She ran next to me, linking our arms together.
Before I knew it, she had kissed my cheek

I must really seem like a jerk
"I'm sorry Nagisa..."

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