Reaper Karma

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A/N: Inspired by the Korean Drama Goblin

Karma pov
My whole life I've had one job




Collect the souls of the dead

It never bothered me once.
Death was a normal thing.

I never felt a thing when someone died.

But when I met him, everything changed

You could say I had a double life.
I was a normal student in high school, and although I didn't act like a good student I still had the best grades in the whole school.

When school was over I would go out and collect the souls of those who passed.

It was a pretty simple job
All I had to do was confirm their identity and lead them to the light.

"Today we have a new student" the teacher spoke and a short boy with clear skin and blue hair walked in
"Hello, I'm Shiota Nagisa, pleased to meet you" he smiled

I had to admit he made a good entrance, all the girls were squealing at how cute he was, even the boys
"You could sit next to Akabane"
"Yes" he responded

He walked up to me and smiled
"Nice to meet you"
He sat down and began taking notes

I feel bad for him, having to deal with me.
He must be scarred shitless right now

Once school was over I was packing my stuff when I saw Shiota looking at me
"Ah! I I am sorry I just...I don't really know anyone here"
"...that's too bad" I replied walking to the door
"Wait!" He grabbed my arm
"What do you want? I gotta go somewhere!"
"I want to be friends!"
I was taken aback after hearing those words
He wants to be friends with me


"Look if you want a friend look somewhere else"
"There's alot of girls who seem to want to be your friend. Why not ask them" I told him before walking out

Once I got home I changed into some sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

I got out my notebook from my desk and began looking at the list of names of people who were close to dying.
"Seems like I'll be busy this week" I smirked

The next day I went to class and saw Shiota already there
"Akabane! Good Morning!"
I only ignored him and sat down
Nothing good comes out of making friends

"Karma...I mean it when I say I want to be friends"
"Well I'm not interested"
"...I see"
I looked over at him and saw that he was looking down in disappointment.
'why does he want to be friends with me soo bad?'

It was lunch break and I took a look at my notebook again
It seems like Shiota Hiromi is going to die tonight



'Wait, is this a relative of Shiota Nagisa?'


I let the idea go and I was headed back inside when I saw a bunch of kids from our class surrounding Shiota
"Come on, you'll look so cute!"
"I'm so jealous of your hair"
"What a shame you're not a girl"

I was just going to ignore them, but for some reason I felt like I had to protect him

"What's going on?" I asked
"N-nothing!" They all yelled and ran off

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