Nagisa's Tribe

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Nagisa pov
I was pacing back and forth in the same spot  while the rest were occupied doing chores

I was biting down on my thumb when Kayano threw a wet cloth at me
"Can you stop! You're making a big deal out of nothing!" She yelled
I removed the cloth
"How come I'm the only one worried about Korosensei!? Are you not?!"
"Of course I am! But I trust him!"
"She's right, why don't you just have some faith in him and help us while we wait for him" Isogai said
I sighed

3 days passed by and Korosenei had still not arrived
I was getting more and more worried

I knew I should have convinced him to not go
He can't fight those soldiers
Just remembering what those damn soldiers did to my family made my blood boil.

I then looked up at the sky
"Please be ok...Korosensei"

The sun set and all of a sudden I heard everyone cheering
I came out my tent and in the distance I saw Korosensei
"Korosensei!" I yelled and went running over to him

As I got closer I noticed a red haired boy on his back
"Nagisa...can you prepare some ropes and medicine?"

Karma pov

I heard light chirping and opened my eyes
I was in a tent


I looked around and it wasn't until I looked down that I noticed my hands and legs tied together

Am I being held hostage again?

Just then the tent opened and a blue haired girl with a white feather in her hair came in
"Who are you?" I asked
"I can ask you the same thing? Who are you? What business brings you here?"
She came closer to me and pointed an arrow at me
"Are you working with those soldiers?"
"Prove it"
"Remove my shirt"
She instantly backed away
"Are you a pervert?"
"Not if you want me to be" I smirked
She remained frozen and then left

I was left alone in this tent for who knows how long when a tall guy with black hair entered
"I know you" I said
"Glad to see you remember me"
I smirked
"How can I forget the face of the guy who I saved"
" do realize I can't let you go until I know your intentions" he said
"Why'd I save you?" I asked myself
"Who knows" he answered with a smile

"What were you doing there anyway?" I asked
"Trying to lead the soldiers away from the  tribe"
"And you? How'd you get caught by them?"
"...My tribe turned me in" I admitted
"They betrayed you?!"
"No clue. Could be because I fought with everyone" I smiled

The man who said his name was Korosensei untied me and brought me infornt of the  entire tribe.
It honestly wasn't that big, but who am I to judge

I was looking around when I saw the girl with blue hair in the back
"Nagisa!" Korosensei yelled out
She looked up

'So her names Nagisa'

She came up to the front and I then noticed that she was barefoot and had a blue tattoo around her arm
"I'll leave you in charge of him. Make sure to teach him some manners"
She smiled
"Of course"

Sadly for me they tied our arms together so I no chose but to stay

It wasn't that bad though
I got to know Nagisa and learn about her world

Her world was small, but she had everything she needed
Food, friends, fun, love

I had nothing

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