Family talk

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It was late at night and Karma and Nagisa were cuddling on the couch watching a movie after a long and tiring day of work.
Luckily for them neither had to work the following day.


As the two continued to watch the movie Karma looked over at Nagisa and noticed the blanket slipping off his shoulder
"You know Nagisa" he spoke as he pulled the blanket up
"One day there's going to be a little girl in our life"
"What?" The bluenette still had his head resting on Karma's shoulder
"Or maybe a boy"
"What are you talking about?" Nagisa sat up
"What do you mean what am I talking about? I'm talking about our children"
"But we just got married this year, aren't you rushing it?"
"Then next year?"
Nagisa was confused, he wasn't sure if his husband was joking or actually being serious
"We'll see" he sighed and leaned back on Karma
"If it's a boy we'll name him Koji Akabane and if it's a girl we'll name her Hanami Akabane"
"....." Nagisa just decided to ignore Karma and closed his eyes, already drifting off to sleep until-
"How bout we just have twins"
"Hahaha! Ok Ok I'll stop" the red head laughed as he picked his cute husband up, taking him to the bedroom to sleep
"We'll talk about it tomorrow" he grinned

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