Jealous Karma

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Karma pov
I was walking up the hill to 3-E when I saw Nagisa and Kayano up ahead.

It made my heart hurt, and I didn't know why.

As days continued to go by, I finally realized why my heart hurt so much whenever I saw Nagisa with someone other than me.....I liked him...more than a friend

But...I never bothered to tell him my feelings.
You could say it was the fear of being rejected.
I mean we've been friends since we were in preschool. I wouldn't want to ruin that

While I continued to keep my feelings for Nagisa locked up, the day I would never forget arrived
"Will you go out with me!"

Sadly, it was a day I would rather forget than remember

The day Kayano asked Nagisa to go out with her

The whole class was silent, waiting for Nagisa's response.
I was silently hoping Nagisa would decline, but it didn't happen

"Ok" he said
At that moment my heart shattered

Kayano smiled and hugged him.
Everyone in the class cheered and congratulated them

Although my heart hurt, I smiled for him.
"About time you got yourself a girlfriend" I teased
He looked up at me and his eyes looked blank
"What is it? Are you feeling ok?" I asked
"...yeah, thank you Karma" be said before walking off with Kayano

"Don't go" Was something I wanted to tell him, but never did

Eventually days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months

I was with Nagisa through it all. 

His first date

His first kiss

His first fight

I was always there for him.
The happy times, even the sad times

I was even there to comfort him when they broke up

"Thank you Karma" he would tell me everyday

'Stop saying that. You act like we're strangers'

I remember walking back from the convenience store and I saw Kayano with Nagisa.

My blood began to boil
Has she not had enough!
She already broke up with him!
Just leave him alone!
He's not yours!
He's mine!

I ran over and pushed Nagisa behind me
"What do you want? You two already broke up" I glared at her
"Nagisa...please, I'm asking for a second chance" she asked Nagisa, ignoring me
"Leave him alone!" I yelled and grabbed Nagisa's wrist, dragging him away

"You still love him don't you?"
Nagisa stopped and I turned to look at him in confusion

Who was she talking to?

I looked up at Kayano

"I'm sorry I broke up with you. I just didn't know how to handle it...but I can make you forget about him!" She yelled
He was only looking down
"What's she talking about?"

Nagisa looked up slowly
".....The reason why we broke up...was because I told her I liked you..."
My eyes widened
Nagisa liked me?!

"That was why I agreed to go out with her in the first place. I thought it would help me get over you..."
"...." I remained silent
Was this real!?
Or am I hearing things!?

"...I wasn't upset when Kayano broke up with me. I used it as an excuse to be closer to you. I'm sorry Karma, I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore"

"Of course not!" I yelled and hugged him
"I like you Nagisa! More than a friend!" I confessed
I couldn't see it, but I knew Nagisa was smiling
"Thank you"

"Looks like you win, Karma" Kayano said before walking off

Future Karmagisa oneshots:
Outcast Nagisa
Halloween Special
Beauty and the beast
Nagisa's date

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