Happy Coincidence

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3rd person POV
After being being married for 3 years Karma and Nagisa decided to move into a bigger house.
They both agreed that it was time to add to their family, so once all their belongings arrived at their new house they immediately started unpacking.


While Karma was placing the books in the bookshelf Nagisa was busy unpacking their kitchen supplies in the kitchen.

The minute Karma picked up one of the books a picture fell out from inside
He bent down to pick it up, but the minute he saw it, confusion was all over his face.
"Nagisa, is this book yours?" He waved the book
The bluenette stood up and walked towards his husband, taking the book from his hands and taking a better look at it
"Yeah, it was memory book from my childhood" he answered
"This picture was inside. Who's the boy?" Karma asked, handing over the picture
The minute he saw the photo he recalled the moment he got it
"I found this picture at the park....he was actually my first love" Nagisa smiled, thinking back to the time he waited at the park everyday, wanting to meet this boy and return his picture.
"I totally forgot about it till now" he looked up at Karma with a smile, but was caught by surprise when his husband lowered his head to give him a small kiss
He took the picture back from Nagisa's hands
"I lost this picture when I was 10 years old"

A/N: I had planned to write Theif Karma x Nagisa, but no matter how many times I changed it, I wasn't satisfied with it, so I decided to just drop it. I'm truly sorry.

I was actually feeling disappointed with everything I wrote.
I actually had 5 different drafts, but ended up deleting them all because I hated the plot or wasn't sure how to end it.
I guess its almost time to say goodbye.
But not yet, I still want to write cute stories about Karma and Nagisa, even if the plot may be short and simple.

P.S: Please stay safe out there!

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