Study (Karma)

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It was a busy Thursday night for all the students in 3-E since Korosenei had assigned each student homework based on their weakest subject.
It was important that they did it since the whole school would be taking tests next week.

Luckily for Nagisa, Karma had offered to help him with his science homework over at his house.




The two friends sat inside Karma's room, both sitting on the carpet and using a small portable desk.

While Nagisa studied Karma was busy playing video games, telling Nagisa to ask if he needed any help.





As time continued to pass by the red head couldn't help but take small glances over at the bluenette who was too focused on his work to even notice.

Over time Karma realized that whenever he looked at Nagisa his heart would race.

Why was that?

Why was it that his heart beat faster when he was around the bluenette yet at the same time feel at ease?
As he continued to stare at Nagisa he started to notice many things about his little friend.
Like when he would tap the end of the pencil against his chin when he was thinking
Or when he'd smile when he got the answer right.
"Huh? Did you say something?" Nagisa asked looking over
Realizing that he had accidentally said that aloud he stood up, placing his game on the floor
"I'm gonna go shower"





After a few minutes Karma came out of bathroom wearing black sweatpants, white t-shirt, and a towel around his neck
He froze when he saw Nagisa with his head on the desk
"Nagisa?" He called out, walking towards him to see if was asleep
Seeing that he got no answer he sat next to him and layed his head on the table, watching as the bluenette slept.
As he stared at his sleeping friend he couldn't help but notice how long his eyelashes were....his fair skin...plump pink lips...
"Nagisa...." he called out in a whisper, not realizing he was stretching his hand out, stroking his cheek
"Mmm" the bluenette moaned lightly
Karma quickly pulled away as Nagisa turned his head the other direction
He was relieved that he didn't wake him up, but he was concerned that Nagisa would wake up with back pain so he softly grabbed him by the shoulders and layed him down on his lap, removing his hair ties in the process to make it more comfortable.



The room was silent as Karma looked at the sleeping bluenette, running his fingers through his soft fluffy hair.
".....Why are you the only one who makes my heart beat like this?"
As he looked down at Nagisa, he found himself inching closer to his lips
'I see...'
Their lips were now a few inches away from touching, but he instead kissed his cheek
'...This was love'

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