Robot Nagisa

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Karma pov
My car had crashed off the bridge and fallen into the water.
The water kept rising up and I couldn't get out.
I looked over at Nagisa and saw her panicked face
"We'll get out of here!" I told her before the water completely drowned us
We held our breath and from the corner of my eye I saw the rescue robots.
They broke the car window
"I will save you" it said before cutting my seatbelt and pulling me out
My eyes widened
"No! Save her not me!" I managed to yell out
I could only watch on horror as I was being pulled out and Nagisa was still struggling trying to untie her seatbelt which was stuck




I woke up from the dream I had
Breathing heavily I got out of bed and got in the shower.
I let the hot water run down my body while I remembered that day I lost Nagisa.
It was 5 years ago when those damn robots saved me instead of her.
Ever since then I've had the same nightmare...remembering how I lost her.
I hated robots because of that.

I had gotten dressed and walked out the house.
The streets were filled with robots, walking along side their owners.
I however didn't bother on getting one, I would rather do my own work than have them do it for me.

I entered my office and sat down behind my desk, quickly looking over all the paper work.
Just then my phone rang
The caller ID was my mom so I answered
"What so you want?"
"Watch your tone, I'm your mother, I should have every right to call you"
"...." I only remained silent, waiting for her to get to the point
"...I'm worried about you, you're always busy with work. What would Nagisa think if-"
"Mom, I'm not getting a robot" I interrupted
"Please Karma, you'll be taking a huge weight off my shoulder"
"Sorry mom, but it's final"
"....ok, but why don't you come visit when you're done with work...I have a surprise for you"
I sighed
"Thank you" she said
I hung up and leaned back on my chair.
It's definitely a trap, but I'll go anyway

After going to all my meetings and finishing the paper work I headed to mom's house.

I parked the car in the drive way and entered.
"Karma!" She smiled, hugging me
I hugged her back
"Hey mom"
"You must be hungry, let's eat dinner"

We sat at the table and ate dinner.
As we were eating my mom spoke
"I have a surprise for you"
I looked up
"I know you said you didn't want a robot but give her a chance!"
I sighed
"I told you I don't want a robot!" I said excusing myself from the table
"But Karma, she is a one of a kind!"
"Then you have it!"
"Karma!" Mom yelled
I turned around to face her
"No matter what I won't accept the robot. It's their fault that Nagisa is gone."
"Do you know why they saved you and not her"
"....because I had an 80% survival....Nagisa had 40%...but they could have tried!" I yelled
Mom walked up to me and held my hand
"You could hate me for what I did or you could love me...but will you at least give her a try"
"...I'm sorry, I ca-"
I was interrupted by a familiar voice
I slowly turned around and saw Nagisa
"My name is Nagisa, nice to meet you Karma" she bowed
I looked over at my mom
Mom only looked down
"Nagisa, would you excuse us for a minute"
The robot that looked like Nagisa bowed and walked away
"Why's that thing look like Nagisa?! Are you trying to make me go crazy!?"
"Karma...that is Nagisa"
My eyes widened
"Y-you're lying...she died 5 years ago"
My mom sat down
"When you were taken to the hospital they went back to get Nagisa's body. They scanned her whole body...all of her organs had stopped functioning, but there was still a light beat coming from her heart...turning her into a robot was the only way to save her"
A tear had fallen from my eye
"Are you saying there is still a chance for her to feel again" I asked
She nodded
"That's why I haven't had the chance to talk to you for the past 5 years. I was trying everything to bring her back"
"I see"



I left the dining room and went to go look for Nagisa
"Nagisa? Where are you?"
"Yes Karma"
I jumped after hearing her answer from behind me
"There you are" I said clutching my chest from the fright I got
"Where you looking for me"
"What can I do for you"
"Lets go out"
"If that's what you wish then I shall accompany you"
My heart broke from those words
'Is there any way to bring the human her back?'

I took my car and I took her to all the stores we used to go to, hoping it would trigger something.
Sadly it didn't work, she just continued to look at me with that expressionless face

When it got darker we took a small walk.
I didn't bother to look up, I just looked at my feet as we walked, I let Nagisa notify me if I was about to crash to something
When I looked up I was horrified at where we were at.
I had unconsciously taken us to the bridge were we crashed.
I clenched my teeth and turned around, about to grab Nagia's wrist to leave when
"It's pretty" I heard her say
I was surprised to see a smile on her face
I leaned down, putting my head on her shoulder
"Karma? Are you feeling alright? Are you sick? Shall we go home?"
"I'm sorry" I mumbled
"I don't understand. Why are you sorry?"
"Its my fault we's my fault you're in this state"
I felt tears escaping my eyes and soon after Nagisa was patting my back
"Does this help?" She asked
"Shall I continue?"
"Yeah, I want to stay like this for a while"
I stayed leaning on her felt so nastolgic

I had calmed down after a few minutes and I looked at Nagisa
"Do you not know me?"
"Of course I do. We met earlier today"
"That's not what I meant!"
"Do you remember this place?"
"I do not"
"This is were we crashed. This is where you died!"
"Don't you remember all those walks we took...those the dinners...the day you became my girlfriend"
"...." she replied with silence
I sighed and leaned on the rail, closing my eyes
It was silent and then I heard her moving
I opened my eyes and saw that she wasn't next to me, she was instead standing on the rail
"Nagisa what are you doing!?"
"Humans say that if they go through the same traumatic experience they'll remember"
"So what!?"
"You said I died here. If I fall in maybe I'll remember"
"Or you could die! Get down!"
"Will you be happy if I get down?"
"Yes! Now get down!"
"If that's what you wish"
I stretched out my hand, and right before she was able to take my hand a strong wind blew, knocking her over into the ocean
"Nagisa!" I yelled, jumping right in to save her

I got to her and dragged her out the water
"Nagisa can you hear me?!"
She was still, showing no movement
I took my jacket off and wrapped her up before picking her up and taking her back to my mom's house.

I barged in the house yelling for mom
"Mom! Nagisa needs help! Now!"
She came running down the stairs
"Karma what's wrong?!"
"She fell in water! Help her!"
"Take her to my room!" She ordered
Following her order I took Nagisa to my mom's room and was surprised to see a bunch of machines that looked like they would be able to help

I laid her on the bed and was told to leave the room

After 3 hours mom came out?
I stood up
"Is she ok?!"
"Yeah the water didn't do any serious damage"
I sighed in relief
"I have a surprise for you Karma"
After hearing those words I slowly looked up at her
"Mom, I don't want any more surprises."
"Just come on in" she grabbed my wrist and pulled me in the room

Once I was in I saw Nagisa sitting on the bed, her back towards me
"I saw something" she said
"...I was in a car with you. We crashed, the car was filling with water...then all of a sudden you were pulled out..."
I took a step forward when Nagisa stood up and turned around
We made eye contact and I actually saw life in her eyes.
"I'm must have been so lonely"
Tears were exspaing my eyes and not wanting her to see them I brought my hand to my face.
All of a sudden I felt someone wrap their arms around me
I looked up and saw Nagisa hugging me
"I'm back Karma" she said before wiping a tear away and kissing my eyelid
"I missed you Nagisa"

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