Future Wedding

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During their lunch break both the red head and the smaller bluenette walked out of the classroom to sit outside by the trees.
As they sat in the shade, enjoying the peacefulness of nature the taller teen spoke
"Hey Nagisa....in 4 years will you come to my wedding?"
"Wedding? Are you dating someone?"
"....." despite the sadness filling his heart he forced a smile for his friend
"I can't miss out on your big day. Just make sure to send me an invitation"
"You don't need an invitation"
"It'll be your big day too" Karma finally turned to face Nagisa
"Will you be my bride?"
Karma looked at the bluenette with fear soon taking over.
With every second of silence he was beginning to lose hope
"Huh!?" Nagisa snapped out of his trance and looked over at Karma
"Is that a no?" he asked, hanging his head low only to be lifted back up by Nagisa, making him face him again
"No, it's a yes"
"Really!?" A grin appeared on his face as he grabbed both of Nagisa's shoulders, making sure he heard correctly

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