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Requested by A231642

3rd person pov
It's already been a year since 3-E had managed to save Korosenei.
He has continued to be their teacher, but that didn't stop his students from trying to kill him.
Everyday the class would train and improve  their assassination skills, all but one...

Nagisa had stopped training with his classmates.

It was strange for everyone, but when he explained that he wanted to focus on being a teacher they stopped bothering him.

But it was the opposite.
He had a secret he needed to keep.


He's been dealing with it since birth.
It was a miracle he was able to keep it a secret this long, considering all those times he had to participate in killing their teacher.

He was saved from having to tell his secret.
The only problem was Karma.

Karma was very observant and never let things go unanswered.
So everytime Karma saw that Nagisa was 1 hour early to class or stayed after school until late at night he grew more and more curious.

Nagisa pov
Today I had woken up 2 hours before school started.
I quickly got dressed in my uniform and tied my hair up before going downstairs to eat breakfast.

Once I had finished I walked out, but not before grabbing my inhaler.

I had gotten to the hill and slowly made my way up.
"*huff *huff *huff"
I was only half way up and I was having difficulty breathing.
I don't normally struggle this much to go up the hill.
It's most likely because the weather is getting colder.
'how could I forget my jacket'
I took a seat on a rock and took out my inhaler.
'At least I brought this'

Just as I had finished inhaling
"What are you doing Nagisa?"
The sudden voice surprised me that I accidently dropped my inhaler, rolling down the hill.
I turned around and saw Karma
'Did he see anything!?'
"K-Karma? What are you doing here so early?"
"I came here 3 hours ago to see how early you'd be here?" He smirked
"I see" I looked away
He was already catching on
"So, why are you always early?" He asked, walking infront of me
"I figured I would catch up on homework"
"...everyday?" he questioned
"....well whatever, come on" he grabbed my hand and he began dragging me up the hill

Once we had gotten up the hill I was breathing for air
"*pant *pant *pant"
"Nagisa? Are you ok?" Karma bent down to make sure I was ok
"Y-yeah, I...I was just...having diff-difficulty catching up"
"...." he only squinted his eyes, not believing what I said
"I'll go get you water" he said before heading to the vending machine Korosenei got for us
"*pant *pant *pant"
I was about to open my bag to grab my inhaler but I remembered that I had dropped it earlier
Before I knew it Karma had returned with a bottle of water
"Here" he opened it and gave it to me
I quickly took it out of his hands and began drinking the water
"*huff *huff *huff"
"Better?" Karma asked
"Yeah" I replied but I could sense Karma's mercury yellow eyes piercing into me.

Throughout the whole day I could sense Karma's eyes on me the whole time.
He was watching my every move, trying to discover my secret.

School was over and I was lucky enough to avoid Karma the whole day.

After all my classmates left I took out a worksheet that I purposely did not finish and began finishing it to kill time, until I fully knew that everyone was gone





"You're not leaving?"
I looked up in surprise and saw Karma at the doorway
""K-karma? I thought you went home"
He walked up to me and sat down in the chair infront of me
"Why are you still here? Everyone has left"
"I-I have to finish this worksheet"
"I can help you"
Karma seemed taken aback after I had yelled
"I-It's ok" I answerd again
"....ok" he replied before standing up and walking to the door
"Don't stay out too late" he said before leaving
Once I knew he was gone I rubbed my face with my hands, letting out a sigh
"I'm sorry Karma...I don't want to tell you yet"

Karma pov
Once I was down the hill I headed towards the crosswalk.
As I was waiting for the light to turn I felt a cold breeze
When I felt the breeze I couldn't help but think about Nagisa.
'I remember him telling me once that he hated the cold'
I don't think he had a jacket with him.
Should I go back and give him mine?
Before I knew it a drop of water fell on my head
I looked up and more drops of water fell on me
It was then I sprinted back to the school to make sure Nagisa was still there.

Once I was nearing the top of the hill I felt how much colder it was.
"Nagisa! You there!?" I yelled out
"*huff *huff *huff"
There was heavy breathing up ahead
I ran faster to see who it was, but when I got there I saw Nagisa
He was on the ground clutching his chest and breathing heavily
I kneeled down next to him
"What's wrong!? Where are you hurting!?"
I asked trying to see if there was any wound
"*huff! *huff! *huff" his breathing seemed to be getting cut short
"Hold on Nagisa!"
I picked him up and began running down the hill to get to the nearest hospital
"Hang on Nagisa!"

I was currently sitting in the waiting area of the hospital, waiting for Nagisa's results.





After what felt like an eternity the doctor came out
I ran up to him
"How is he!?"
"He's fine. He was just having an asthma attack"
"!?" My eyes widened at the doctors response
"Yes, it appears he's been dealing with it his whole life."
Asthma...He's had asthma....
"Make sure that he carries his inhaler at all times, if not this incident could occur again"










After speaking with the doctor and hearing that Nagisa was awake I made my way towards his room

I slammed the door opened which startled Nagisa
Stomping towards him I grabbed his hospital gown, pulling him forward
"Why didn't you say anything!!"
"This isn't something you should hide!!"
"...." Nagisa looked down
"How long were planning on hiding this from us!? From me!"
How long before you were going to tell us!" I repeated, shaking him
"....I didn't plan to unless I needed to"
Hearing him say that pissed me off that I ended up slapping him
Silence filled the room
"Why did you see the need to hide this from us." I asked with a calmer tone
"I don't know....I guess I didn't you guys to view me as a handicap"
"......*sigh*" I let out a sigh and rubbed my head before sitting down next to him on the bed
"Don't ever feel the need to hide something because you think you'll be treated differently"
"I'm sorry" he whispered before tears began rolling down his cheeks
Seeing that he saw his wrong brought a smile to my face.
I sat mylsef closer to him and grabbed his head, making him lean on my shoulder
"I'll always love you" I whispered quietly
"What did you say?" He asked, wiping his tears away and lifting his head up
"Nothing" I answered, bringing him back to lean on me again
"I'll tell you later"

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