Coming Out

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3rd person pov
The blue haired boy had a frown on his face the whole day at school.
He always wondered why his heart would race uncontrollably whenever he was around Karma...but he finally knew why.
Once he did enough research he finally got the answer he was looking for.

He was gay

Not just gay

He was in love with his best friend

Throughout the whole day Nagisa didn't socialize with anyone.
He needed to figure out his problem.
Should he be honest with Karma?
Should be tell Karma he's gay?
But if he did tell him should he just tell him he was gay or that he was gay and in love with him?!

Before he knew it 4 months had gone by and he still hadn't come out.
Everyday he was getting more and more miserable.
It was difficult keeping it in.

It was time to tell Karma.

Once it was lunch time Nagisa walked up to Karma who was with Terasaka and his group.
"Karma, can I talk to you for a minute"
The red head looked up with a smile on his face

They both walked out the classroom and stepped outside.
Unknown to the two of them Terasaka and his group followed them and began listening to their conversation
"So what'd you want to talk about?" He asked
Nagisa only had his back towards Karma
He had to gather his courage to tell him
"Nagisa? Are you ok?"

Nagisa took a deep breath and faced him
"I...Karma I'm gay"
Karma was surprised at first.
But everything started to sink in.
He did wonder why his best friend started to act distant.
This was the reason.
He was probably terrified that he wouldn't be accepted. Their school wasn't exactly open to different.
He would even say they were homophobic.

"It's ok Nagisa, I mean that doesn't change our friendship"
Hearing those words made Nagisa feel guilty.
Yes he felt assured that Karma wasn't disgusted by him, but would he still want to be his friend if he knew his feelings towards him?
"...Promise you won't tell anyone"

Once the two walked away Terasaka turned to face his group
"Looks like we have a new target"

Nagisa pov
I walked to school feeling a bit better that I told Karma...but what am I going to do about my crush on him?
I let out a sigh
'I guess it's fine how it is now...maybe sometime in the future'
Once I entered the campus I noticed everyone giving me looks.
I ignored them until I reached my locker
"What a faggot"
My eyes widened when I heard those words
"Disgusting! He probably even sells his body to older guys"
My hands started shaking and when I opened my locker a bunch of pictures of nude men fell out

"That's nasty!"
"What a pervert"
"He should do everyone a favor and die"
More and more students started to gather around me, mocking me, saying more and more hurtful words
"He shouldn't even be allowed to go out in public"
"I feel bad for the parents. Having to have a faggot as a son"
"They should disown him"
"What a disappointment"
My eyes started to water until I heard a familiar voice
"What's going on?"

He shoved through the crowd and made eye contact with me
He was about to run up to me when Terasaka grabbed his shoulder
"Don't get to close or you'll get it too"
"Get what?"
"Like you don't know he's gay"
'It all made sense. He was the only one I told. Of course he told the whole school...he really was disgusted by me'
I stood up and ran away
"Nagisa!" I heard Karma yell
I only ignored him
Right now the only thing on my mind was getting out of there.

Karma pov
"Nagisa!" I yelled out, but he ignored me and kept running
I then turned to face the crowd
"What'd you guys tell him" I said in a murderous tone
"Don't want to talk? Then maybe I should beat the crap out of everyone here until someone decides to tell me what you guys said to him"
"We're only saying the truth!"
"Yeah! This place shouldn't even allow faggots here!"
"He should have known the consequence before showing the whole school he was gay!"
Without much of a though I had punched all those people who spoke ill of Nagisa
"Don't dare call him a faggot unless you have a death wish!"
"Karma it's his own fault for being gay" Terasaka spoke out
"What? How is being gay his fault?!"
"It's disgusting and unheard of a guy liking guys"
"....I don't even want to bother with your stupidity"
I turned around ready to look for Nagisa when I turned to look at them once more
"If I see any of you bothering Nagisa again I'll make sure to give you a life far worse than death"

After an hour of searching I sat down on a bench outside a convenience store.
I could only imagine how Nagisa feels


The whole school hates him for something he can't control.

'Where are you Nagisa?'

After a couple of minutes I stood up and continued to look for Nagisa.
I kept thinking of the places Nagisa would go.

I then thought of the park where the hidden Sakura tree was at.

I ran to the park and went through the bushes and walked through the trail.
Up ahead I saw Nagisa.
He was sitting on a rock, looking at the Sakura tree
He turned around with wide eyes
"Nagisa!" I ran up to him and grabbed his hand before he had the chance to run away again
"Let go!"
"No! You're only going to run away from me!"
"Then why'd you tell the school I was gay!?"
I was shocked when I heard those words
"What do you mean Nagisa? I kept our promise. I never told anyone"
"You were the only one I told."
I gripped his hand even harder and pulled him closer
"Nagisa, I would never lie to you. Someone must have heard our conversation and told the school"
"...It doesn't matter anymore"
"I'm leaving"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not going back....I'm going somewhere else"
"You can't!"
"So you want me to go back to a school who will forever judge me"
"Nagisa! You're the only friend I have!"
He looked at me with an unreadable expression and looked down, his hair covering his eyes
"...don't say that, you're only making it harder for me"
"I at least want to get this off my shoulder before I leave...."
"Karma...I've always loved you, more than a friend"
'Nagisa loved me...'

"Goodbye Karma"
He turned around, walking away.

Without thinking I grabbed his arm, pulling him into my arms
"Karma!? What are you doing?!"
"I know I'm not gay! But I can be for you..."
"Karma, don't do this"
"I want to" I said bringing my face closer to his and pressing our lips together

Once everything was settled we started walking back to school
"Karma, you can't always protect me from them"
"I know, but let me do something real quick"
"What are you going to do?"
"You'll see" I sang

I located Terasaka's class and I slammed the door open
"Akabane! I am in the middle of teaching class!"
"Like I care"
"Akabane Karma!"
"Terasaka! I have something for you" I said ignoring the teacher
"What do you want?" He stood up walking towards me
I pulled out pictures of nude men
"You left these in Nagisa's locker"
"Hahaha!" Some of the students giggled
"Karma, what are you doing?" He glared
"Only giving back what you left" I said grabbing his collar and pulling him down
"Next time don't push your hobbies on to someone else"
"Terasaka's gay too!"
"Karma! You!"
Grabbing his arm I flipped him over and he fell on the floor.
I bent down next to him and whispered
"Don't mess with my boyfriend unless you know what's good for you"

My business was done and I walked up to Nagisa
"Lets go"
"What about school?"
"We'll find a better one. I hear Kunugigaoka Junior High is a good school"
He smiled
"Thanks Karma"
I smiled and kissed his cheek

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