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Karma pov
"You Idiot!" Nagisa yelled at me with tears in his eyes.
He was on his knees after seeing the state I was in
I could only look down in guilt....I hated seeing Nagisa in pain.

I had gotten into another fight, and although I won, I still took damage.
My head was bleeding intensely, my right arm was most likely broken and my body was covered in bruises.
"Why are you always fighting!?"
"....I'm sorry" I spoke softly and kneeled down infront of him, gently wiping away his tears away with my left hand
"Dont cry"
He only looked at me with a glare
"We're going to the hospital" he said before getting up and leaving to get his bag from his room
I let out a long sigh
The hospital again...
How many times have I been there this month?

"Why am I not surprised" one of the nurses, Nezumi, spoke after she saw me
Both me and Nagisa remained silent
"Who started the fight this time?" She asked
"Why don't you focus on your job instead of asking pointless questions"
"...." she remained silent before walking to me and grabbing me by the ear and dragging me away
"Ow! ow! ow! Ow! Ow!"
"Stop complaining Akabane"
"This isn't how you should be treating your patients!"







Once she finished looking at my x-ray she sat down and started filling out some papers
"You're lucky it's just a sprained arm"
"Yay" I said sarcastically
"Can I go now?"
"No, you still need a cast"
"Hurry up then, Nagisa is waiting"
As she was wrapping my arm she spoke
"You care alot about Nagisa, don't you?"
"Of course I do! You already know he's my boyfriend"
"Then why do you always get into fights and worry him?"
"...." I only responded in silence knowing that she was right
"You've been to the hospital six times this month and every time Nagisa by your side! Worry on his face"
"...The only reason why I get into fights is because-"
"You're helping other people aren't you?" She interrupted
"..." I only nodded my head
"But there's someone who cares about you Karma. Stop picking fights with thugs just to help a stranger who won't even thank you. Nagisa worries for you, don't loose him" she said







Once everything was done we were both walking out of the hospital.
Nezumi's words kept replaying in my head
'I can't loose Nagisa. I don't want to....'
I stopped and grabbed his wrist with my left hand
He turned around
"Karma? What's wrong?"
"Why don't we go somewhere, we could-"
"We're going home, you need to rest, besides my shifts today" he interrupted and continued walking






We had gotten home and Nagisa quickly heated up some food from the fridge before giving it to me
"Get some rest" he said before walking out the door
I was left in the the empty hallway
Nagisa's changed....because of me he no longer smiles, he's constantly worrying about me.

Karmagisa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now