Secretly Dating

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A/N: This might be short, but please enjoy.
Suggested by ReadingyourlifeNOW

3rd pov
"Karma! Nagisa!" Rio yelled out to her two friends who were sitting under a tree, eating lunch
"What do you want" Karma asked in an angry tone, wanting Rio to to leave the two of them alone
"Karma" Nagisa glared at Karma
He didn't want Rio to get suspicious of their relationship
He only sighed and looked at Rio again
"What is it?" He restated
"The class is playing a game of Never Have I Ever"
The two of them only remained silent, not understanding the point she was trying to make
Rio rolled her eyes and grabbed both of their arms
"We want you guys to come play"
"Uhh, I don't think that's a good idea" Nagisa said
"Why not?" Both Rio and Karma said
"...Can I talk to Karma for a minute?"
"Ok, I'll be waiting in the classroom"
Rio left and the two were left alone

"What's wrong Nagisa, it's just a game. Why don't you want to play?"
"No, what if they find out about us"
He smiled in response and cupped Nagisa's cheek with his hand
"What's so scary about them finding out?"
"...They'll tease us"
"Like I'll let that happen" he chuckled
Karma still sensed the uncertainty in his boyfriend
He bent down a little and kissed his lips
"It's Never Have I Ever. They can't ask a question that'll lead them on to our relationship"
Nagisa smiled
"You're right"
"Of course I am"

The two of them entered the classroom and saw all of their classmates sitting in a circle.
"Glad you could join us" Sugino smiled
"Everyone move over!" Isogai yelled

Nagisa chose to sit next to Kayano and Kanzaki while Karma sat next to Okuda and Terasaka
"So who's starting?" Karma asked
"I will!" Yada raised her hand
The class stayed quiet while she thought of her statement.
"Kanzaki. Never Have I Ever lost a game of poker"
"I have not not" she smiled
"She is the queen of games" Sugino stated
"Just admit you love her" Rio said
After hearing that Sugino blushed like crazy and ran out of the classroom
"Sugino! Wait up!" Kanzaki chased after him
"So What's the point of this game?" Terasaka asked
"Yeah, I mean there's not even going to be a winner" Maehara said
"We all win because we got to learn something new about our friends" Rio smiled which creeped everyone out

"Can I go next!" Kayano asked
"Sure" Rio replied
"Isogai. Never Have I Ever accepted a love confession"
Isogai made eye contact with Maehara
"I have"
"What do you mean you have!" Maehara yelled
"It was a little girl!"
"That's just sick man" Karma added
"It wasn't like that! The mom wanted her daughter to see a prince so-!"
Isogai noticed that Nagisa had his face on Kayano's shoulder
He was sulking......
He would never get to experience what it would be like to be a prince....he would forever be the princess
"Nagisa I'm sorry" Isogai apologized
"I'm not! I don't ever want you accepting dates or love notes from strangers!"
Maehara walking up to Isogai and kissed his lips
"You guys are a couple!" Sugaya exclaimed
"Yep!" Maehara smiled
"I wonder what other couple we'll discover" Rio said with an evil grin

The game kept going on until it was Rio's turn
"Karma. Never Have I Ever kissed Nagisa"
Nagisa smacked his own face when Karma answered
"I mean-!"
"I knew it!" Rio yelled

Nagisa could only lay on the floor in despair.
He so wasn't looking forward to Rio and the others teasing him

"Sorry Nagisa, she caught me off guard" Karma said putting his hand on his boyfriends shoulder
"It's fine Karma"
"....then why are you still on the floor?"
"I'm too embarrassed"
Karma chuckled and picked him up
"Karma?! What are you doing!? Put me down!"
"Nope. I'm going to show everyone that you're my boyfriend!"

Karma set Nagisa down and the two hugged

"This is cute and all, but kiss already!" Rio yelled
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The whole class chanted
"Let's give them what they want" Karma smirked
"Just this once"
The two leaned in and kissed

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