Karma vs Nagisa

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3rd person pov
It was a normal day like every other.
Everybody was eating their lunch with their friends except Karma and Nagisa who where outside hanging out by the cliff where Karma did his assassination attempt.
The two were sharing a bento when Nagisa looked up at the sky
"What is it?" Karma asked while taking a sip from his strawberry milk
"...I just keep thinking about how differently things would have been if Korosensei was never our teacher"
Karma hummed in response
"Well we wouldn't be dating of it weren't for him"
"Haha! You're right...he was the one who noticed our feelings before we even did"





The two sat in silence, enjoying the silence and fresh breeze

They both turned around and saw Okuda running towards them.
"What's up?" Karma asked
"Um, I didn't know Nagisa was with you" she replied looking at Nagisa
"Do want me to leave?" He suggested
"Yeah, it'll only take a second"
"Ok, I'll see you in class Karma"
Nagisa stood up and walked to class

Class had started and Karma was nowhere to be seen.
Nagisa looked around and saw no trace of him or Okuda
"Is something the matter Nagisa-kun?" The teacher asked
"Huh? Oh! No!" He stood up in a panic
"Then will you please read the next sentence"
He pushed aside his worries and started paying attention to the lesson.

Once school was over Isogai walked up to Nagisa
"Is something wrong Nagisa?"
"Yeah, Karma hasn't come back"
"That bastard probably ditched class" Terasaka said
"But Okuda was with him! She said it'll only take a second"
"If Okuda is with him then something is  wrong" Kanzaki spoke up
"Lets go look for them" Kayano said putting her hand on Nagisa's shoulder giving him reassurance

Just as they were about to move
"That won't be necessary"
They all looked up and saw Karma walking up the hill
"Karma!" Nagisa ran halfway up to him but stopped when he felt something off about him
"Let me ask you this Shiota-"
"!!!??" Nagisa was taken by surprise when Karma used his surname
"Karma what happened?" He asked
"Was killing Korosensei not enough for you!?"
"Huh?! What are you talking about!? We all know it was Shiro!"
"But you did the final blow!"
Nagisa looked down, sadness in his eyes.
He still felt guilty for what he did and he always blamed himself since that day.

"Shut up Karma!" Terasaka yelled defending his friend
"No I think you need to shut up...afterall Nagisa is planning on betraying all of you"
"Stop talking nonsense! Nagisa would never betray us!" Isogai spoke up
"Are you going to believe him or Okuda" Karma mentioned
Everyone was taken by surprise when Karma mentioned her name
"What did she tell you Karma!?" Nagisa yelled
"Don't act dumb Shiota! You were the one who had Shiro come here and help you kill Korosensei!"
"And know you want to kill the rest of us"
"Did Okuda tell you all of this?"
"Yeah, and I won't let you harm her"
"Don't trust her Karma!"
"Funny, that's exactly what she told me about you"
"He's right Karma, don't listen to Okuda" Rio glared
"Shut up!"
"Karma I don't want to fight you"
"Why!? Do you think you're going to win like last time?"
"Do you think you're alive because you can fight?! You're only alive because of what I do to save you! But not anymore! I'll kill you!"
Nagisa tried to not be affected by Karma's words and took a deep breath.
Before he could take a step Karma came running towards him and kicked his face with enough force to send him flying to the side.
"*cough cough"
Karma didn't give Nagisa enough time to stand up and lifted him off the ground, throwing him over his shoulder which caused Nagisa to hit the ground on his back
"Urgh!" He yelled out in pain
"Come on Nagisa!" Kayano yelled with tears in her eyes not sure what she could do to help her classmate.
The whole class felt the same, there was nothing they could do.
They knew this was their fight.

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