Drug Addiction

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Nagisa pov
"Nagisa, could you come to my office after class" Korosenei told me during class
"Yes" I replied in a lower tone
He probably wanted to talk about my grades. After all, I didn't do very well on the last test.
No matter what I did I could never get anything right!
It was frustrating!
I even lied to Karma saying I didn't need him to tutor me anymore because I was scared he'd get frustrated teaching me.

When class was over I could only think about the lecture I would be getting from Korosensei and my mom.
I sighed and put my head down.
"Nagisa you ok?"
I jumped from the sudden voice and turned to see who it was
"Yo" he grinned
"What are you doing here? I thought everyone went home"
"I didn't feel like going home"
"I see"
"...so, why are you still here?" He asked
"I...I had something to ask Korosenei" I lied
I didn't want him to know I was still struggling. I don't want my friend to leave me because I was stupid"
"Then you'd better talk to him now, he might leave to who knows where"
I stood up and waved to Karma before walking to the teachers lounge.

I took a deep breath and knocked before entering.
Korosenei was seated behind his desk, grading papers
"You wanted to see me"
"Have a seat"
He pulled out a chair infront of his desk
With hesitation I sat down
It was silent until he spoke
"You're one of my best students Nagisa, however I've noticed you haven't been doing very well on your study's"
"I'm sorry"
"You don't have to apologize...everyone learns at different paces"
"But, I've noticed Karma hasn't been tutoring you any more. Why is that?" He asked
"I..I told him not to anymore" I admitted
"Why? I though everything was going well with the two of you"
"It is, I just don't want him to think I'm stupid"
"Nagisa you are not stupid, you are an intelligent student"
"Then why am I failing every test!?"
Korosenei put one of his tenticales on my shoulder
"You just need to study a bit more"

Once Korosensei was down talking to me I went home and started studying for the next test that we were going to have when we come back from our one day break.
I stayed up for 3 extra hours before my eyes started getting heavy And I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning I cursed to myself
I forgot everything I studied!
I threw my pillow at the wall in anger
How am I supposed to study and memorize everything if I end up sleeping in the end!?

Mom wasn't home and there was no more food, so I went to the convenience store to get something to eat.

When I was in line I couldn't help but overhear the conversation the two girls infront of me were having
"How is it you always have time to study and still pass the tests? You're always staying after school to clean up or participate in some club"
"That's cause I use adderall"
"Adderall? What's that?"
"It keeps me awake and I have more time to study"
Once I heard those words I blocked the rest of the conversation
I need that
But where can I get it?

I kept thinking of ways I could get it when I thought of Okuda.
'Okuda! I could ask her!'

Once I bought everything I went to her house and rang the doorbell
After a few seconds the door opened and I grabbed both her shoulders
"Okuda I need a favor!"
"Nagisa? What's wrong?" She asked
"Adderall? Why do you need that?"
"Don't ask. I need to know if you can make it"
"I-I can try"
"I need it today!"

She let me in and I sat down on the sofa while she began making it.
After a couple of hours it was done and she gave me the bottle
"Thank you Okuda" I hugged her
"Y-you're welcome"
I was about to walk out when I stopped
"Okuda, can you make some more 1 week from now?"

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